Great article. All the local JWs will be reading it too and trying to justify their shunning. Or deny it?
Our small town newpaper article on "Shunning"
by ButtLight 14 Replies latest jw friends
GREAT job!!!!! Every little bit helps. Keep up the good work. So many people need to know the truth about the Truth.
As far as I'm concerned, the shunning policy that the Borg rigorously enforces is just as harmful as their 'no blood' policy and the more bad exposure they get, the better.
I agree and take it one step further as I believe the shunning policy is much worse. Not only does the shunning policy cause division of families, suicides, mental health issues,,
It is also the tool that is used to enforce the 'no blood' doctrine. Without the shunning policy,, the 'no blood' doctrine would be severely weakened and possible relegated
to a personal decision and nothing more.
And the JWs will reply...."those people were unrepentant and obviously did something serious like fornication to have gotten themselves into that situation. When we turn our backs on such ones, it is out of love, to make them see the error of their ways and that they should return to Jehovah and repent. Its a Biblical, let me show you...."
It doesn't take much to plant a seed of disgust in people's minds when they read an open letter such as this. I personally encourage anyone who has a "hometown" paper that accepts open letters to write a letter such as this one to their newspaper. Some editors will reject it if it does mention the "J" word (Jehovah's Witnesses); but their are other open-minded editors who will print just about anything. Give it a try. You ROCK GIRL!!! c.l. P.S. My t.v. guide (this has replace the NWT as my bible) for next week has the "Knocking" video showing Tuesday, May 22 at 9 pm central on PBS's "Independent Lens" show (Channel 8 here in central WI). After this airs, if it will be a great opportunity to write a few letters to the editor and a few more to PBS and the local PBS station. I don't know if I have the stomach to watch might cause my brain to hemorrhage.