Do We Pair Off With People Who Look Like We Do?

by The wanderer 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Do We Pair Off With People Who Look Like We Do?

    The thought of what physically attracts one individual with another crossed
    my mind recently and it raised some questions about the subject.

    There are some dating websites that promote relationship compatibility
    based on similar values, personality traits and character qualities; however,
    how important is the role of physical compatibility in a relationship?

    What Do You Find Physically Appealing?

    Naturally, what one person may find attractive another may find unattractive.
    I have always been attracted to women from a Mediterranean background.

    Sicilian, Greek, and Spanish women have been my weakness. I have always
    loved brown eyes and dark haired women.

    However, women who are my exact opposite are the ones that have found me
    attractive, women with blond hair and blue eyes that have an Irish, German,
    or Swedish background.

    Therefore, the question again is how important is the role of physical compatibility in a relationship?


    The Wanderer

  • RichieRich

    What do I find physically appealing?

    Honestly, women who are the exact opposite of me. Petite, thin, and more subtle personalities.

    And honestly, thats the majority of women who express interest in me.

    How important do I think physical compatibility is?

    Well, I have an unorthodox look, and so people who want to have a relationship with me have to accept that. So I'd say its fairly important...

  • Tuesday

    My wife looks similar to me. I'm attracted to light skinned girls with dark hair, the gother looking the better. She is beautiful and funny, so she won me over (I should say after much effort I won her over LOL)

  • ex-nj-jw

    I don't know???? I'm light skinned (father black mother latino) and my husband is darker skinned. Now out of a family of 7, my siblings that are light skinned as I am all have dark skinned mates, the darker skinned siblings have light skinned mates, so I'm not sure how that fits in.

    We all have different body types and shapes as far as spouses go, so I can't even begin to evaluate that one as far as my family goes.


  • DJK

    I'm attracted to women who don't wear cosmetics and fingernail polish, and they are attracted to me for the same reason.

  • Nowman

    My answer would be for me, no. I am Italian mostly, my 1st husband was Dutch (he was american though), light skin, hazel eyes, we got together at 1st by physical attraction. We were young though, and we wound up getting divorced. We have kids together, him and I live 3 blocks from each other. My 2nd husband (my soul mate) shaves his head completely, and huge googly blue eyes. His personality is alot like mine (or I should say alot like his), we both are smart asses! We got together 1st by physical attraction. Its true. Physical attraction happens 1st for me.

    I prefer the entire package, good looks, good personality, but I do not expect a six pack. I do not mind the "love" handles. My hubby does not want me bone thin either, we like to look good for each other though, you know.

    Basically, I think certain people just click. Thats what happened to me.


  • jgnat

    Evolution says partners will be attracted to those who are DIFFERENT than we are (genetic diversity).

    I think long-standing couples do end up looking like each other. Or their pets. Think Fido commercial. Edited to add: I ashamed to say hubby and I ended up dressing the same on Sunday. Matching orange t-shirts and jeans. We were so cute.

  • jaguarbass

    I am German Irish and I married an Italian girl. All jokes aside I think europeans are europeans so I married someone who looked like me, as opposed to asian, Indian or black.

    But my son married someone who is Assian. So I think I married someone who looked like me because I had a limited breeding pool to choose from.

    So I would say I would marry someone who looks like I do as opposed to someone who looks like a martian, or et or a grey. But color or human nationality probably wouldnt matter as long as I found them attractive. So far I find certain elements of all mankind, specifically womankind, attractive. Language and culture probably has more to do with the selection than nationality. And since everyone has decided to speak english, I have a big pool to choose from. I exercise and lift weights, so someone who is fit would be important to me.

    After having been married for 35 years, I see it and people tell me that my wife and I look alike. I think there is some kind of quantum physics explanation to that. I am not the only one involved with the phenonama it seems to be common. Or maybe I am a Narcissus.

    To specifically answer your question physical compatability is of the upmost importance.

  • trevor

    Good God I hope not! I married someone far prettier than myself.

    A deliberate attempt to wake up and look at someone very different to who I see in the mirror.

    Interestingly the total opposite of my mother.

  • greendawn

    I am Northern European but I don't really have any preferences for northern or southern European women they all look just as good to me each type having its special allure whether of light or darker complexion.

    I think far more important is the character and personality of the person since very often the promise of the external appearence is not matched by the inner person.

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