Place for healing and connection or co-dependent feeding frenzy?
Curious as to opinions, and stories if you have them...
by joannadandy 29 Replies latest jw friends
Place for healing and connection or co-dependent feeding frenzy?
Curious as to opinions, and stories if you have them...
It's all what you make it, sweetheart. I'd have to say the second, because I rarely get caught up in the drama, and I've made some flesh-and-blood friendships from the board. I've shaken Simon's hand, and given Angharad a hug. I've gotten cooking tips from Irreverent, and seen Blondie's bookshelf. Other noble ladies, like Will Power and Concerned Mama, are quieter on the board but dynamos in real life. I'm richer for having known them. Concerned Mama lives in the same city as me; without the internet, we would never have had the occassion to meet.
By the way, it's been a million billion years since I've seen you around. Good to see you!
Thanks Jgnat! (I read more than I post these days) I'm just gettin' too long in the tooth to contribute anything fresh...
EEK! So what does that make ME? Reliving my second childhood?
Actually, I just encountered an older genious that really set me back on my heels. I'm just wrapping up "The Idiot" by Doestoevsky.
There's a scene where two women, spitting nails, really go at it with each other. I am bowled over how much this man CAPTURES the feminine heart and mind. Both the noble and ugly bits. The utter SPITEFULNESS that women can go at each other. Another scene, also, where this cultured maiden yearns to break free from convention and do something WONDERFUL with her life. Also a spot-on feminine observation. This was all written before the turn of the twentieth century!
It makes me wonder, again, if there is anything new under the sun?
Healing. Can someone heal from the total loss of a childhood and the abuse endured while being raised a JW? Can someone heal from the rejection by a parent because you don't share thier belief's? The answer for me is comparable to a number, divide it by two over and over again and you never reach zero. No total healing.
Connection. It's been beneficial on the JWD. I felt alone for more than thirty years and here I found I'm not alone. I've gotten much closer to zero because of it.
Feeding frenzy. A strong phrase. We do at time's vent here and many listen and try to console and give advice. Getting even closer to zero.
Ther reason were all here is because we are not all here. Life is a deadly disease.
Place for healing and connection or co-dependent feeding frenzy?
For awhile after I left, I thought maybe I'd lose my mind. Couldn't handle the utter dissillution of finding the "truth" about the truth. I know reading posts on this board helped me.
i think im too busy wiping off the drool from my keyboard to think about what an internet discussion forum is for... maybe so i can drool... joanna... i think ive fallen for you!!! woot, not only do you live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, but damn girl..... youve made the infamous one blush, and thats almost impossible
the infamous one
Internet Message Boards........................putting Psychiatrists out of business.