any thoughts?
Are there freemasons in the watchtower society?
by ninja 16 Replies latest jw friends
well seeing as how freemasons created and run the watchtower society, just as they do any other religion in the states, I would say YES! the freemasons rule this country. george bush of course is the biggest one, next to cheney. but moreover, the freemasons control every religion in the U.S. to keep the masses quiet from the real painful truth that there is no punishment, there is nothing to fear, life is just a ride, etc... they don't want us all killing each other over corn flakes or crack, so they developed a fear tactic system that instills fear into you. it's called "fear god or he will hurt you". with the witnesses, their pitch is much more soothing though. "BILLIONS WILL DIE A BONE CHILLING DEATH" but, they won't feel anything because they will just be erased. at least the catholics came up with something real to fear. purgatory! what a crock of shit this country and it's bullshit antics are. good thing my uncle is a cia agent and tells me all this stuff. you wouldn't even want to know the truth about why cocaine is really here in this country.
I would recommend looking up the subject for yourself on a search engine, since it's highly likely that further discussion on this subject is going to result in deleted posts on this forum. Not my rule: I have seen other threads about this subject deleted. But you can look up the subject by putting it in Google and clicking up the links.
Satans little helper
No there are not Freemasons in the witnesses, the two things are not really compatible.
As Freemasons we believe in making the world a better place now by acting in a way that is governed by brotherly love, relief and truth. Being a witness means living a life that is ruled by conditional love, fear and lies.
is that your 'minimus' impression ninja? lol
Hmmm - well freemasons tend to donate to their cause. I've known 3, and Mr Midwich (well, one of them) was once invited to join. i believe there's a financial obligation.
The actions, doctrines, etc. of the WBTS run counter to the premise behind Freemasonry. My opinion is that Russell took some ideas from a number of different areas, including, likely, Freemasonry. But it's been a terrible failure...
If it were, in fact, run by Masons, it would look much, much different. It's like saying David Koresh, or Jones were high-ranking Masons supported by the Freemasons.
Russell simply borrowed occult/Masonic symbols and ideas to lend legitimacy to his rebranding of a Millennialist offshoot publishing business. That's all, folks!
Egyptian symbols were quite popular at the time; the influence can be found in everything from buildings to cigarette lighters to women's haircuts. The cross-and-crown graphic was a calculated rip off of other Christians.
I did some research on the knight/sword/crook symbols on the early WT covers and determined they were either a poorly-masked swipe of a certain group (which I will not mention here), OR a mish-mash of fancy-shmancy heraldic symbols meant to impress an air of royalty, dignity. The positioning is "pagan" if you choose to view it in a "chi rho/labarum" sort of way... It can also relate to ancient "sky" deities from all over the planet — IF you want it to. You can even squeeze some Da Vinci code around it if you prefer...
The possibilities are endless. I'm not sure Russell himself assigned meaning to these things... it was more Victorian-era art direction than anything else. Not one original idea. And vague enough that we're still talking about the hodgepodge today!
Fraternal organizations were much more popular at that time; every one and his uncle belonged one. They were social clubs with valuable bu$iness networks — that was their function. So Russell dropped catchwords and phrases into his writing that would appeal to these gentlemen. If he could attract one fraternal member to Watchtowerism, that one may bring in his fellows (and by extension, their wives and families).
Cha-ching, cha-ching!
The "Society" — a catchword itself — appears to have been a multi-level marketing plan from its inception.
With some intriguing visuals, IMHO.
~Sue -
I think David Icke has info on your question in the book "Children of the Matrix".
Hooperman, why is cocaine in this country? I like to consider theories.
Satans little helper: My thought on your comments, what you say sounds very noble. But it also sounds llike you are a low level Mason and you dont have any magic underwear.