I notice one of the biggest complaints around here about the Organization is often related to their constant use of the "Us versus Them" mentality, (i.e. "We" need to be seperate from "them" because "they" are wrong and "we" are right). Yet I also notice that many of the posters here use the exact same kind of rhetoric and thinking. Many posters here use language so strong against the Organization that it almost seems like hate speech, yet many here also condemn the Society for speaking negatively of other religions and non-members. If you need to vent, thats understandable, but we all need to remember that the purpose of this forum is to also give current JW's some intelligent food for thought. I think that talk about the evil, deceptive, bloodthirsty, murdurous, satanic, cult that is the Watchtower Organization would make many JW's just run away, thinking these people are nothing but a bunch of ignorant haters. I mean, I can see how some would be bitter after leaving the organization, especially if after some kind of traumatic experience. But I just hope this forum is first and foremost a place for intelligent debate and a planter of seeds of doubt into the minds of those still in the Organization. I genuinely don't think the Society realizes how cult-like they are, and I especially don't see how core members could see it, and I keep that into consideration when I'm discussing the religion with both believers and doubters. I think people are more apt to listen that way.
This forum using same type of thinking as Jehovahs Witnesses?
by AirDuster 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
the purpose of this forum is to also give current JW's some intelligent food for thought
It's been done. There is a search feature. All those topics have been hashed out. The majority have moved on with regards to debates caused it's all been debated. But I understand where you are coming from though.
wac (Former Elder, Former Bethelite, Former Pioneer)
I agree with you in principle, but WT organization doesn't allow the freedoms that
people deserve, so many find discussing the organization like discussing Nazis.Let me try.
If you are a current JW, you will appreciate this forum for giving you some truth about "the Truth."
The Watchtower Organization could be misleading you. It's possible that they have made false
prophecies in the past, and act similar to organizations described in Steve Hassan's COMBATTING
CULT MIND CONTROL. I know the use of that word "cult" is a scarey thought to some of you all.
So you will need to get that book, and read more of these threads. Don't worry. The book is not from
a former member, so Steve Hassan is not an apostate. The Governing Body can't tell you not to read
it by any scriptural application.If you are lurking here, be brave enough to recognize that this forum is, first and foremost, a place for
intelligent debate and a place where doubters in the Organization can ask questions of those who have
been where you are.I think the above approach is a bit soft. Better to hear things from some disgruntled people along with
the soft approach. But I do think that defenders of the faith are bullied right out of here, often. -
good points friend... and i agree wholeheartedly, though i am guilty of becoming a little heated quite often... this is a place for open discussion and intelligent discussion... we need to keep that in mind, because as you said, many are lurkers trying to find their way out as well... e should be here to help with the transition!
the infamous one
I believe it is sometimes best if the audience of lurkers hear some hard words about the JWs as long as it is backed up with hard facts and is not just ranting away that is being emotional without producing a clear picture with some details as to why they are wrong.
As for the us and them mentality that is inevitable because the dubs see the ex dubs as being a world apart from them and are prejudiced beyond all hope.
I think this forum should appeal to those questionung the Organization. Because we have so many different types of personalities and backgrounds here, we cannot legislate everyone's reactions. If someone experienced severe sexual abuse, they might vent their feelings about how they believe that having 2 witnesses is mandatory to make a judicial child abuse case.
I think when we SOUND like we're attack dogs or people haters----that isn't a good thing.
I notice one of the biggest complaints around here about the Organization is often related to their constant use of the "Us versus Them" mentality, (i.e. "We" need to be seperate from "them" because "they" are wrong and "we" are right). Yet I also notice that many of the posters here use the exact same kind of rhetoric and thinking. Many posters here use language so strong against the Organization that it almost seems like hate speech, yet many here also condemn the Society for speaking negatively of other religions and non-members.
This is a false analogy. The Society labels anyone who isn't a JW as "worldly" and therefore "bad association," notwithstanding a lack of facts relative to specific individuals upon which to base such a conclusion. The same is not true of the posters on this board; the facts about the Watchtower cult are well known and documented and most of us have personally experienced them. Judging the Society based upon its actual actions is far different than stereotyping unknown individuals and judging them based upon a lack of specific facts. The condemnation accorded the Society by the users of this forum is quite well deserved.
we all need to remember that the purpose of this forum is to also give current JW's some intelligent food for thought.
I see no specific "purpose" for this forum delineated by its owner. The closest indication of such "purpose" is the statement in the upper left corner of your screen, "Jehovahs-Witness Discussion forum, -- everyone welcome!" While your ideas of what the purpose of this forum should be are indeed admirable, they are in fact your ideas, and you should not purport to speak for anyone other than yourself.
I think that talk about the evil, deceptive, bloodthirsty, murdurous, satanic, cult that is the Watchtower Organization would make many JW's just run away, thinking these people are nothing but a bunch of ignorant haters. I mean, I can see how some would be bitter after leaving the organization, especially if after some kind of traumatic experience.
Some kind of traumatic experience? The entire experience is traumatic, and folks here have every right to bash this organization as they see fit. Watchtower apologists are also welcome here, and they can respond to comments they deem false, repugnant, or otherwise worthy of a response. Remember, it's a "discussion forum, everyone welcome!" In order for a forum like this to work, tolerance of those with different viewpoints is necessary, including those who praise the Watchtower as well as those who choose to bash the Watchtower.
I genuinely don't think the Society realizes how cult-like they are, and I especially don't see how core members could see it, and I keep that into consideration when I'm discussing the religion with both believers and doubters. I think people are more apt to listen that way.
Newsflash! The Society is not "cult-like"'; it is in fact a cult, not a group with "cult-like" characteristics. And I disagree that the Society is not aware that it is a cult. Such analysis is irrelevant to them; they are solely interested in the the "increase in fund balance" on their income statements, which is the non-profit equivalent of the "net profit" line item on the income statement of a for-profit entity.
This despicable cult enslaves the minds of its members and exploits them for its own greed. It is a cult deserving only of eradication.
"We" need to be seperate from "them" because "they" are wrong and "we" are right).
I don't recall ever seeing this on a thread. I do agree that the WTB$ is wrong, it's a cult, it's harmfull to families and children, they brainwash their members keeping them in line with fear tactics. But that is my opinion and if someone happens to agree with me then that is their opinion. No one at JWD has ever said you must think, feel and agree with all on this forum, if not you cannot associate, talk to or have any contact with JWD members.
Just my 2 cents!!
Nathan Natas
It's a fine thing to give new visitors food for thought, but when it becomes time to take a dump, we prefer they do it in the WATCHTOWER hat.
Welcome. Your comments are thoughtful and I admire where you are coming from. However, I have to agree with 144,001 that this forum is not your basic "feel good" place. There are a lot of other sites that may suit your needs better.
Paradise Cafe
I'm sure there are other.
This group is a very diverse group that would be impossible to direct in a certain manner or tone toward anything. There are a lot of people in this forum that do exactly like you like. There are a lot of others that would like to execute the leaders of JW's and be done with it.
I have from time to time, left here, and went to other places, because the discussions get "out of hand" by my own standards. BUT, I always seem to come back because of the massive number of what I consider super-intelligent people that post here.
Sometimes, I can't believe the resources that these people have. As a result, it is my favorite site to visit, but, to a wandering publisher of JW's it probably wouldn't be the best place to come first.
Hope you stay, but it is a tough place, and worth the effort.