Hello to all:
Been born in Mexico, Witness of convinced Jehovah they even preached when he was very young, memory to me the visit, without knowing what hoped, serious prisoner to a sectarian totalitarian system. Use a translator, I do not speak much English, but it interests to me to talk and to concer people who understand well that she is to be under oppression of human projects. Expelled by Revolt for almost 3 years, in spite of to have had good behavior, it has been participating in two dramas in assemblies, regular precursor by 9 long years, graduated as University ( luckyly it studies ), of it not to have made in a Under employment very common in the Witnesses of Latin America. At the moment I participate in forums in Spanish, apostate, hatred the sectarian neolanguage and avoid to use terminologies like BROTHER, FIRST GOD… I believe in God, but not in the mythical Jehovah who far from being loving is as ruthless as a hyena. Resumi my story, I hope to read its commentaries. Irving