The "Great Crowd of Other Sheep Idiots"???

by R.F. 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • R.F.

    At a recent public talk, the visiting brother, a retired CO, was going on and on about how much we need the FDS. One point he used that really annoyed me was his reasoning that with the "dwindling" number of anointed and the increasing number of great crowd, that the org has made simpler WT articles so that the great crowd can understand better. He said that WT articles in decades past were much more of a harder read for the GC.

    So are prospective members of the "great crowd" supposed to be a bunch of numbskull, intellectually inferior idiots that can't walk and breathe at the same time without instruction from the FDS?

  • RollerDave

    Such lovely condescension!

    One has to wonder a few things then...

    If the great crowd are idiots, what of great crowd members who get on the GB?

    Shouldn't ANY anointed be able to outrank a GC GB?

    Somehow I don't see an eventual all GC GB abdicating in favor of anointed who had been ordinary rank & file!

    They'll probably get out the Judge's Magic Flashlight and have New Light shadow puppet shows.


  • garybuss

    Just for fun sometime I'd ask a Witness apologist if dead loyal Witnesses are members of the great crowd? And if live loyal Witnesses are identified as other sheep?

    Because they can't be either according to current Watch Tower teachings.

  • M.J.
    if dead loyal Witnesses are members of the great crowd?

    I'm totally following you.

    And if live loyal Witnesses are identified as other sheep?

    Lost me there. Can you explain this one? Thanks Gary.

    R.F., sounds like the brother is totally going against the idea brought up in the May 1, 2007 Question from Readers, that there is no difference in spiritual insight between members of either class (which itself is contradictory to the whole idea of a Faithful Discreet Slave class).

  • VM44

    The material published by the Watchtower is becoming more simple because there is no one at Bethel like Fred Franz was. He was the ideologue, the one who came up with the deep Biblical explanations.

    He was unique and there was no one in the Organization who could fill his shoes.


  • greendawn

    Vm that is what I was thinking, we have here another manipulative move by the FDS who are not giving the real reason of their actions but a pretentious one to cover a flaw they have. The JW writings have never been particularly difficult for the non anointed to grasp neither are the anointed particularly gifted with intelligence or inspiration. The divide between the two always strack me as artificial.

  • Watkins

    Maybe it's about reaching people whose first language is not English.(maybe) I've noticed that in recent years, the material is severely simplified - the 'Require' brochure read like a grade school workbook. Over-simplified to the point of embarrassment for all the 'stuff' left out. I really think it's done to reach the influx of Mexican-Americans into the US, as they're just beginning to learn English. But I could be wrong.... Or maybe it's because generations-past JW's weren't sent to college and just don't know how to read those big words??? Or maybe it's just re-hashing the same lame stuff - but they want it to look like new info so they have to put into different, simpler terms? Or maybe intelligent people just aren't falling for it anymore and they need to attract simple-minded people? Ay-yi-yi - who knows what lurks in the dark hearts of those at the top! Freddy Franz - hmmm - I think he made it up as he went along... as in one lie leads to another and to another...


  • garybuss
    And if live loyal Witnesses are identified as other sheep?

    Lost me there. Can you explain this one? Thanks Gary.

    The Watchtower magazine of 1995 said that the other sheep would not be identified until after the great tribulation when the sheep and the goats would be judged and separated. Now, according to the Watchtower the sheep and the goats are not separated and the sheep are not identified yet.

  • loosie

    Wellmaybe they are expecting more sheep to nto go to college and therefore can't fully understand their meaty wt articles.

    Although when I was in I never really found them meaty more like watered down 7up.

  • zack

    The reason the publications have no imagination in them is the crackdown on psychedelic drugs in New York in the past 15 years or so. I hear they have tried

    to get peyote but have so alienated the southwestern congs. that no one is willing to send them their stash.

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