What do you think the Earth will be like in 20 years time?

by winnie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnie

    Apparently according to the latest info (presented on a news channel) the earth as we now know it will be drastically different in 20 years time. ie new coastlines, hotter temperatures. They are painting a very bleak future unless we make drastic changes now. (This may or may not be 'old' news to you, but I don't watch the news. Too depressing.)

    What do you think the earth will be like in 20 years time?

  • Gill

    Twenty years is nothing in the life time of this planet on which changes take place constantly anyway. Just cast your net under the seas and discover many many lost cities and civilisations. Living on planet Earth means change, regularly.

    So, coastlines will change, temperatures will diverge and basically, it is the pattern of planet Earth that we live on and there is nothing we can do about climate change except try to slow down the very small part that we as humans have to do with it.

    We will adapt even if we suffer terribly. Hopefully things won't get so bad so that the human race has to start at the beginning again.....but there have been more advanced civilisations than us before, and they no longer exist. Perhaps our turn has come and we need to start again.

    I find I'm neither sad or disheartened. What will be, will be and we must take each day as it comes.

    We will rise again.....in time. I'm sorry to think of our future generations having to suffer again, but suffering has never really gone away and I can only wish them the best and hope that they realise it was not the fault of the ordinary man and woman, but just the way it is.

    We have come full circle.

  • Crumpet
    I find I'm neither sad or disheartened. What will be, will be and we must take each day as it comes.

    I agree with Gill.

    Winnie you should watch the news more hon! This debate has been raging increasingly for years. As an individual what can you do - just take care not to exploit the planet more than absolutely necessary. Dont drive when you can walk. Dont take unnecessary short haul flights. Recycle everything. Choose organic. Choose fairtrade products. Choose to buy local rather than imported. And encourage others around you to do the same. Its not going to stop or reverse climate change but it may prolong the process.

    Personally I am hoping that I live long enough to see teleportation become a reality. That will totally make my life! LOL!

  • kwr

    The decline of oil will cause the collapse of the economies of the world and billions will starve to death and disease will rum rampant across the globe. Or the Detriot Tigers will be the winners of the World Series and Jenna Bush will be President of the USA.

  • deeskis

    I don't think it'll be that different. Remember we've been in the last days for 2000 years now!!

    Teleportation would be great wouldn't it. I could duck over to the auld country with the blink of an eye. Only I keep thinking about the movie "The Fly" - Jeff Goldblum, I loved that film, but I don't think "Brindleflycrumpie" would be so attractive!!

  • jwfacts
    new coastlines, hotter temperatures.

    That sounds fantastic.

    Life on earth is about adapting, it in not something to fear but to relish.

    Twenty years will see some unbelievable advances in medicine, the internet, energy and transportation. I am just sad I will not be around to see what things will be like in 100 years.

    After a lifetime of belonging to a doomsday religion I can't stand watching all the negative whining that goes on tv. The fact is that now is unquestionably the best time in all human history to be alive.

  • WTWizard

    I hope the Watchtower Society is bust by then. Otherwise, I am afraid they will start another Dark Age that will last forever. One more "new light", and they get in as the President of the United States and force everyone in the whole country to become Witlesses. Then they invade the other nations on the planet, forcing them to join or die. After that, the Second Dark Ages will officially be here.

    Or, they can just go bust. That would be the simpler way.

  • greendawn

    Nothing dramatic is likely to happen in what is a relatively short period of time. Most likely pollution will get worse, China more economically powerful and the Moslems will fail to obtain weapons of mass destruction. Otherwise the world will carry on much as it does now, global warming hasn't been as bad as predicted.

  • Blueblades

    Hopefully no Nuclear bombs will be used, with Nuclear Winter to follow. Other than that, Opposites will still be with us. Rich and Poor, Health and Sickness, Well Fed and Famine, War and Peace. Ongoing progress in all fields of endeavors will continue. Mankind will move forward for the better unless he blows himself up.


  • Liberty

    Don't worry too much winnie! I am serious. The doom sayers have been predicting this kind of nonsense for years and it just does not come true. As ex-Jws I think we are more vulnerable to this type of news since we were programmed and brainwashed to look for this negative crap so counter this by learning to be skeptical. I am betting alot of money (insurance & retirement investments, and a home), that the world will look almost exactly the same 20 years from now as it does today.

    Do things change? Sure, as others have pointed out that is the pattern but the changes are very slow compared to a human lifetime so they are not as noticable nor are they usually as drastic as the doom-sayers predict. I've lived through several false predictions from the 1960s claiming that polution, ice age, nuclear war, famine, social unrest, rock music, and drug-crazed hippies would kill us all by the 1970's, guess what we are still here. The same with all the predictions from the 70's and 80's, we are still here.

    I find it interesting that the "experts" claim we are all going to hell in a handbasket yet magically average human lifespans just get longer and longer creating an "old folks home crisis". We can't have it both ways, either we are all dying earlier due to all the toxins, pollution, and bad climate or we are living longer better lives. Let the facts speak for themselves.

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