Leo! This is one of the greatest, funniest posts I've ever seen!!!
Do you mind if I post it in blog form? Giving you credit of course :D
by Leolaia 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Leo! This is one of the greatest, funniest posts I've ever seen!!!
Do you mind if I post it in blog form? Giving you credit of course :D
I don't feel bad for the cat. It had the freedom to run away to a good JW home anytime it wanted. The bible states very explicitly to "get out of her, my people". The cat has no one to blame but itself.
Thanks, all. RedPill2006....That was quite a good followup! UnConfused....You've got something there. I think I did speak in the same sardonic tone of voice as Mr. Colbert. Similar kind of schtick. And I simply used Photoshop to clip out the pictures individually. greendawn....The Society would just as easily say, well, weren't there children before the Flood? Weren't there children in Sodom and Gomorrah? Dagney....The most striking thing to me is how they try to control emotion and desensitize JWs to the horror by telling them that these people (currently everyday people you might otherwise show concern for) are beyond any expression of love on our part. Sure, if one of them NOW gets hurt in a traffic accident, you may feel something, but once God starts doin' his thing, ALL those feelings go out the window! IP_SEC.....Sure, go on ahead, just give credit where credit is due, and please supply a link to this page.
The most striking thing to me is how they try to control emotion and desensitize JWs to the horror by telling them that these people (currently everyday people you might otherwise show concern for) are beyond any expression of love on our part. Sure, if one of them NOW gets hurt in a traffic accident, you may feel something, but once God starts doin' his thing, ALL those feelings go out the window!
See... that's what blows me away. Somebody who was your closet friend will kick you to the curb on demand. I want no part of it.
Thank Jah!
In the near future he will destroy 99.9% of the people on earth. Just as he destroyed 99.9% of the people in Sodom and Gamora, saving Lot's insestual family.
Yes! Keep it in tha family...
that is just as funny as when i first read it!
Not to worry as the ministry work has been so effective! Not!
Leo someone over at MoChat linked back to this and we are all getting a good laugh out of it.
I had never noticed the cat flying in mid-heaven before. Jehovah apparently feels badly for sparrows falling to the earth dead, but is not so moved by chubby pussy cats. Perhaps his eagle-like far-sightedness convinces Him that they would introduce Melamine fever into the New System and he needs to protect his loyal serpents from contamination.
God bless the 100% polyester suit and all who sail on her.
Classic HS. Hilarious.
What really strikes me most about the JWs is the degree to which they declare themselves righteous, when reality is they do 95% of the same things every other human does on earth. The other 5% is scriptural masturbation. It makes them feel good but it's a waste of time.
That 5% doesn't mean shit. Unless you go to the Kingdum Hell 3 times a week to have your mind and heart numbed, and to hear about how that 5% is sooooooo important.
Why, your cat's very life depends on it.
Poor pussy, poor pussy cat!