These are merely summaries, to the extent my memory is accurate.
Others (freeminds, Watchtower Observer) can provide the exact details.
1) Awake publishes Holocaust issue - projects image of what 'stand
up guys' organization was during mass murder of Jews. Article
is blasted in letter to Henschel from college academic who
points to clear evidence that Rutherford and others repeated
Nazi propaganda in appeasement effort (rich Jews who run
anglo-america). Awake then backtracks about being misunderstood,
Governing Body refuses to apologize.
2) Bulgarian documents expose rank deception about blood issue.
News of this is quoted repeatedly all over the world. Society
resents exposure of agreement. Exposed deceit continues to
cause them difficulties.
3) Branches in Europe attempt public deception by statements
suggesting individuals will not be disfellowshipped for
accepting blood transfusions. Lies are quickly exposed
in public as observers note that 'disassociation' amounts
to the same thing as 'disfellowshipped'. WT image also
damaged by publicizing that Witnesses who join armed forces
are expelled automatically ('disassociated themselves').
4) Blood issue loses academic/medical support as it becomes
clear that coverups and internal politics demand that lives
be sacrificed - You can take blood, a fraction at a time!
5) UN hypocrisy exposed in public, Society forced to withdraw
Increases cult-like social/political status in Europe.
6) Tacoma Parking scam exposed, Society is forced to withdraw
parking permit system, loses large sum of revenue because of
high-handed expulsion of elder involved.
Feel free to add to the list. Unless Watchtower leaders learn
to behave ethically and honestly, I'm sure this list WILL