Some of you have probably seen this...but I soooo love this video--I just had to share it!!
cat/ dog video
by J-ex-W 10 Replies latest social entertainment
Tyrone van leyen That's so cute Jex! I love animals tooo. Here is a really funny one of a tortoise pestering a cat. It's sooo cute. enjoy
Tyrone van leyen
My opinion on that one is that the cat thinks its a rock with legs. He can't eat it, He can't bite it or scratch it and the turtle knows this so he is amusing himself at the cats expense. This is an example of a clash in nature where the tables are turned.
Tyrone van leyen
Here is another example of an odd pairing. It is not so funny but entertaining nonethe less. it is a jaguar taking on a croc. Amazing
Tyrone van leyen
Hi Jex, here is another example of the Jaguars prowess. This time he 's taking on an Anaconda. Amazing! I have a few more if your interested but I do not wish to dominate your thread.
Those videos were so funny. I couldnt stop laughing, thanks for sharing them Jex and Ty.
Tyrone van leyen Check out this big husky being sweet with the little Kitty.