You must be an amazing person! God must love you so much to let such trials come upon you at your age.
If love can be cut off so easily then a person can only have distrust. Our parents love shows us the way to God's love.
Love is a gift and we can not make someone give it to us and it is not a gift if it is not given out of love.
We have so much more power then we think. You probably think I am one little person going up against an entire organzation how can I have power?
For a moment imagine saying to that big Oh organzation: " I disfellowship you because you do not uphold the truth of the God I love".
That puts you in the company of so many faithful witnesses that God's loves and will never forget.
What power we have. We can only give up power when we think were not good enough or the another person is right.
Now imagine telling your parents that you have disfellowship the organization. But you will never stop loving them even if they don't uphold God's truth and you would never disfellowship them because they choose to believe what they believe.
You must remember the organization get's power over people because they claim to talk for God. They are smarter, better, more holy, and in a position to speak for God.
One man went against all organizations and conquered the world he tell us that because he conquered he will make us conquers they thought they were rejecting Jesus when in fact he rejected them.
It is not easy and there is no easy way but at least you know now that you have the power and as much right to use it as anyone on this earth - if you believe that mountain will move into the sea.
Ask God for his spirit and he will help you in so many loving and kind ways