Bush is no idiot, but he's not very focused. His behavior, especially his lack of proper decorum with other heads of state, lead me to believe he is medicated to such a degree that it interferes with speaking and thinking abilities.
As you know, I have seriously questioned his sanity on this Board in several occasions and have met with stiff resistance from many quarters.
I believe that he has serious mental problems that have been present since his childhood days when he delighted in mutilating frogs. Imho his personality shows signs of sociopathic thinking and his feral cunning, typical of the sociopathic mind, has been remarked upon even by his most loyal supporters. As as been posited, and to his own admission, he is an untreated alchoholic. His closest aides admit to the fact that he has an uncontrollable temper. His friends, such as they are worry about him. He is stubborn, contradictory, has a marginalized view of political issues, especially in overseas affairs and is given to delusions of grandeur. That he is heavily medicated is not a point of debate to those who work around him and numerous journalists have been witness to furious and frightnening tantrums on more than one occasion.
Had he been living in the 1920's Europe he would have been a dicator of Stalin/Hitler/ Mussolini proportions, all of whom shared every one of the failings noted above, exempting Hilter who drank in moderation but consumed huge quantities of cocaine.
Let us remember however, that Nixon had discussions with paintings and that Mackenzie regularly took direction from his dog when making difficult political descisions. Perhaps a sociopathic leaning and a streak of insanity is an essential part of the personality of one who would lead.