Why do people go to church. What is the purpose? You don't have to go to a certain place to worship God. You can do that anywhere, anyhow you want to. I was just wondering, actually I mentioned that I might go to church this evening and my daughter asked me why. I go every now and then. I don't know it is uplifting to me some how. I was wondering what others think?
Why go to church?
by lv4fer 15 Replies latest jw friends
I go for a couple of reasons, including: I find that the different forum of communal worship is beneficial; and its nice to hear views other than your own. It stimulates your thoughts, regardless of whether you agree with them or not (and dissention is permitted).
On another note: I recommend trying it at least once for every exJW if for no other reason than it breaks down the mental barriers, that the WTS implanted, in their attempts to demonise everything. Once you can walk in, without qualms, you have accomplished something significant for yourself, IMHO.
hemp lover
I recommend trying it at least once for every exJW if for no other reason than it breaks down the mental barriers, that the WTS implanted, in their attempts to demonise everything. Once you can walk in, without qualms, you have accomplished something significant for yourself, IMHO.
I spent the afternoon of September 11, 2001, in St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC. It was the first time I'd been in a church since getting df'ed and it was one of the most profound experiences of my life, also probably the only place in the city I could feel calm on that day. And I did feel safe there.
My daughter and I also went to midnight mass at a Catholic church in Prague on New Year's Eve (curiosity). It was interesting for about 15 minutes and then I spent the next hour and a half trying to figure out how to leave without insulting the true believers.
But for purposes of worship, I just have a really hard time convincing myself to cross that line, though I have been strongly considering it lately. I think it might be more of a desire to get out socially though, more than spiritually, and that just seems wrong somehow. My neighbor's invited me to her Unitarian church, which I'm sure would be very laid back, but I'm afraid I'll get there and be terribly bored. It's like I want to want to worship, but I don't WANT to worship. Does that make sense?
Speaking for myself I have never been more at peace with myself than when I abandoned God. Personal spirituality is up to the individual to decide for theirselves and I would never demean one's beliefs. Some find comfort in a Church or without. Some with God and without...
People go to church because they are at different points of their journey or human development and havent come to the point you are at. Some may never get to the point you are at. I guess thats ok to. Something or somebody created a need for these people and the church fills it. Just because its a church, everyones not worshiping God, there are probalby similar circumstances in church as their are on this board people may be going for family reasons and social reasons. People use church and religion to do business networking. I have a friend who is a baptist preacher, pastor, minister, and he is a funeral director. When I was a witness the presiding overseer of my congreation owned a Buick dealership. Contractors, insurance salemen, pot and pan salesmen they all go to church. Maybe for some its a place to feel connected in this disconnected world.
Sometimes to please my wife. Sometimes to just see what they are up to in religion. It hasn't brought me to any belief in a Jesus or trinity God. I sometimes thank God for being alive but don't know if he is interested in my thanks or not. The bible is so contradictory in describing God's feelings for mankind, he's killing them one minute and offering his son the next.
Ken P.
After departing the Borg, attending church was more of a curiosity and interest in religion in general, not a quest for spiritual satisfaction. I then embarked on a quest for knowledge of all kinds, always trying to fit in what I learned at university with what cosmology would explain all that I was absorbing. So for me attending church became too limiting, little or no intellectual stimulation and too much meaningless ritual. I want to "know" things, not just perform some ancient rite that has no utilitarian worth. That's why I was attracted to a diffferent pardigm and now see all religions as different segments of one story that like rings on a tree tell a story of humanities expanding evolution, his "becoming" and how we are all much more alike than different. "Church" in the christrian tradition is a bulwork against the world, when it is time to begin erasing the barriers and building a society that aspires to the fundamental spiritual values inculcated in all the worlds religions. Now, with that and $3 you can get your favorite 20 oz mocha with a double shot!! carmel
Some are pretty....and evoke a "religious" feeling in them...especially Catholics, who love all those statues, and stained glass and the Virgin mother, etc. Makes them feel holy.
Bumble Bee
I have tried several different churches. I was searching for something to replace going to the KH. It just wasn't for me, but I'm glad I went.
I always find these threads interesting for the number of posts evoked where people are told what they feel by people who have never been in their shoes. Its an interesting concept, that empathic telepathy thang...