Time-Consuming Side Issues

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    Check out this paragraph from the article "Serve Jehovah Without Distraction" in the April 1994 Kingdom Ministry:

    Time-Consuming Side Issues: Some have got caught up in efforts to resolve common problems in modern society. Christians need to avoid becoming involved in the world’s endless debates over social issues or its futile struggles to correct injustices. (John 17:16) All of this is part of Satan’s design to divert attention from the Bible’s counsel and the fundamental fact that there is only one long-term solution—the Kingdom of God.

    Now let me add the next paragraph:

    Failure to Keep Focus: Sadly, not all have heeded this fine admonition. For instance, a group of brothers in Brooklyn associated themselves with a prominent international organization under the pretext of pursuing human rights issues. They reasoned that the benefits accruing from this arrangement outweighed the compromising of principles. But when their actions came to light, the brothers resigned in disgrace from that organization. Their ability to give a fine witness with "freeness of speech" was damaged. (1 Timothy 3:13) And we can be sure that their hypocrisy did not go unnoticed by Jehovah. What a warning example for all of us!


  • ashitaka

    what a quote! nice.


  • dungbeetle

    <"Time-Consuming Side Issues: Some have got caught up in efforts to resolve common problems in modern society. Christians need to avoid becoming involved in the world’s endless debates over social issues or its futile struggles to correct injustices. (John 17:16) All of this is part of Satan’s design to divert attention from the Bible’s counsel and the fundamental fact that there is only one long-term solution—the Kingdom of God.">

    Is that anything like the TIME-WASTING efforts when we 'got involved' and wrote buckets of letters to Malawi on behalf of the Witnesses there? Oh, wait----that was different!!!


    Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...

  • Patriot

    Incredible!...Truely amazing their own hypocrisy.

    I hope someone can foward this quote to the UN desk investigating the WT.

  • sweetone2377

    Now that shoes just how selfish the GB is. I wonder who these "brothers" were and what they would think about the WTS's, now former, affair with the UN?

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • wannahelp


    Where can we order back issues of the Apr 1994 KM..

    First, let me get my popcorn ready.. This is gonna be good <G>...

  • wannahelp


    I wonder WHICH international organization they are referring to..

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    Don't let this get out of hand. The second paragraph about "Failure to Keep Focus" was written by ME, not the Society. The first paragraph is taken directly from the KM.

    I just thought it would be an amusing and fitting exercise to judge the Society in its own terms.


  • Eyebrow

    Basically, don't stand up for ANY rights unless they affect the ability of witnesses to practice thier religion. Who gives a damn about anyone else's right.


  • sweetone2377

    lol comment, good job. It sounded so authentic!

    edited to say:
    Or have I just been away from the WTS's propaganda and pubs too long?

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

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