Recall that Karl Marx coined his much-used expression, religion "is the opium of the people." How would you complete the expression? ...then the WTS is .... Len Miller
If religion is the opium of the people, the WTS is ...
by Fatfreek 28 Replies latest jw friends
the rat poison of society.
Handsome Dan
Oppression of the masses
or maybe the commercial division of god's kingdom
If religion is the opium of the people, the WTS is ... Imovane - a frequently abused hynosedative.
Tyrone van leyen
If relgion is the opiate of the masses then the watchtower is an overdosed heroin Junkie that is selling toxic lethal street crap to innocent kids, while they get the pure shit and all the profits.
They are still junkies, and lately their hits have been low grade. Because they been in the game a while they havn't fully felt the effects yet, of there long term use, but getting burned upwards of 60 million is a good start. They will never ween themselves off either, cuz they have too much power now. There is still 27,000 more unhappy customers that want your ass now, not to mention millions of other lives you've ruined with your crack. When the shit finally hits the fan you will end up not in detox, but in the missions and jails along with the criminals, which is where you really belong.
If religion is the opium of the people, the WTS is ...
................the Kool-Aid..........
Actually, Tyrone nailed it...........
If religion is the opium of the people, then the WTS is "jenkem." For an explanation of what "jenkem" is, see:
Sad emo
... a bad trip.
Wow! That jenkem is unbelievable. How did those kids even discover it.
I recall, however, Dad pulling into a Sinclair station to fill the tank. I would lean my head out the window and sniff and sniff. It smelled so wonderful. That was some 60 years ago.
Great essay, Tyrone.
Kool-Aid? BizzyBee, you captured the essence in one word (okay, a phrase). That is so universally recognized.
Imovane ... I'm learning new words here.
Len Miller
the old spice of the people