Hello everyone! I have been reading this board for about 4 years. After 38 years of being a baptized Jehovah's Witness, I did some research on the internet and found enough evidence to quit. That was 4 years ago and I am so much happier now. I have enjoyed lurking on this board for so long, I finally had to join.
by 38 Years 45 Replies latest jw experiences
Good evening 38! I'm happy that you joined. I lurked for 2 years before I wanted to post.
Look forward to getting to know you better. There are many fine people here as you already know.
Tyrone van leyen
Hi 38, Good for you! And were always glad to have a new face or should I say # to join these ranks. Welcome and we hope to read many of your posts to come.
Welcome to the Board
Hey and Welcome, 38 years. I lurked for 7 years before I posted anything. I think you will like it here. I had reached the point that if I heard "faithful and discreet slave" one more time, I was going to go absolutely, positively mad. I was beginning to hate those meetings with a complete hatred!
38 Years, welcome to JWD.
4 years a lurker eh! Well I look forward to the next 4 years of discussion.
steve -
38, wlecome to JWD.
Welcome to JWD 38.
Hello and welcome 38 years!
It's great to have you posting!
Open mind
Hey there 38!!! Welcome to the board!!
Glad you finally took the plunge.
The water 'round these parts is just right.
Open Mind