So today was a bit of a lazy Monday. First I slept in an extra hour. Then I took my 7 year old son to school, a task usually performed by my wife. I took an early lunch to head out to the local post office to mail out birthday invitations for my twins' birthday party. I was on my way back to the office and that's when I saw him.
There he was. An obvious JW standing on the steet corner holding out a Watchtower and Awake for the whole world to see. He was just looking down there at the ground and holding out the mags. I almost turned my car around to have a chat with him. I thought that perhaps I could ask him a few questions. I decided to keep on trucking. After all I was on my lunch and by the time I got back to the office I'd only have about 5 to 10 minutes to eat my lunch.
But I had to ask myself. Is this considered "witnessing"? Standing on the street corner? How do you count that time? Is every minute standing on the coner considered time in the ministry, or just the time actually conversing with others?