Sister-in-law attempts suicide

by golf2 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • golf2

    Tuesday 6:50 am.
    Report: everything remains the same, only TIME will tell.

    Purplesofa, yes, she must have a desire to live. Her problem has been keeping silent, she never shared/talked about her rape case until a few years later, this is not emotional healthy.

    Her mom/dad and brother were never witnesses. Her oldest bro. was a witness, left many years ago. To do what she did in our small community will reflect negatively for the witnesses.

    Again many thanks for the encouraging words. Will keep you posted.


  • Crumpet
    She slashed her throat and pierced her breast twice missing the heart by a fraction. When such incidents happen within your own family, it only solidifys what the witness program does to people.

    I am so sorry for her and for you. It must be an awful time and I really hope she recovers.

    I stabbed myself in the chest only by fluke of a wonder bra managing to miss any vital organs a few years ago because I couldn't take the rejection by my parents and sisters anymore. Now I just have a horrible scar from where they stitched me up. A war wound. My battle against the Borg.The borg has so much to answer for. If she gets better and she wanted to talk to someone who has had a similar experience please do get in touch.

  • Gill

    (((((( golf and sister in law ))))))))

    I hope she makes it! Keep us posted! Perhaps she'll get the help she should have had a long, long time ago now!

    Take Care!

  • Mary

    Good lord....that poor woman. It sounds like it's a combination of life's experiences and the religion that brought her to this point (not a big surprise). I really hope she gets professional counselling and maybe some medication to help her through this.

  • unique1

    So sorry to hear that. My prayers are with you.

  • BFD

    I am so sorry about this. I hope she makes it and gets the help she needs. It is so hard to deal with especially when the attempt is successful. Last year we had to bury my SIL's brother. I still don't know why he did it, he was so kind, handsome, had many good friends and had so much to live for. No one even suspected he would do something like that and it came as an awful shock to everyone. I am so sorry.


  • ex-nj-jw


    I'm soo sorry about your sister-in-law, you and your family are in my thoughts!!


  • BluesBrother

    Sorry to hear the sad news - best wishes for her recovery, both bodily and mentally

  • golf2


    My sister-in-law requested to see my oldest son, he was a paramedic. Apparently they've had many discussions between each other and she requested to see him. I will go and visit her briefly. Her younger brother is a policeman, and between my son and my brother-in-law, they have had experiences with people under these circumstances.

    No question she does need help, but, is she willing to help herself? I can only hope so. With my wife passing away last year (which she would often visit her) it doesn't help the situation. So, there's many contributing factors in deciding to take her life. So very sad.

    Many thanks again for the encouraging words.


  • gumby
    She is very 'guilt' ridden and wanted to end her life

    A very typical feeling that comes from an organisation that instills in ones heart that not doing enough in Gods service brings with it a life of unhappiness and eventual death.

    So sorry for her situation and the many others that feel as she does. We wish you the best


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