I recently wrote a letter to every family member I could find an address to which exposed the WT org as the group of fools they actually are! Interesting thing is that not one letter was sent to my home congregation by anyone and the letter circulated to almost every family member I have; so instead of turning me in as i suspected they would do, they are talking about it openly and distributing it to all family members-even ones I couldn't find an address to. I'm winning this war! Some members called me pissed as hell but most called and was happy I had taken this stance. Even some members that are still in and active called and said I was right in what I said; people are getting this folks, the facts speak for themselves. If I could figure a way to post what I had writtten I would be happy to do so. If we all stnad firm now-remain loyal to our own "organization" of apostates, we can defete the fools at headquarters. Just remember to be nice about what you say yet remain firm. These bastards are going down my friends and I really believe that a feather can knock them off the cliff soon! I want my family back, this war MUST be raised, we must not back down, we must never give in, we must rescue all from the fools that run the WTBTS cult! Stand with me now and let's defeate this enemy to reason; these destroyers of family and lives!
Hard line stance taken-results are in!
by dawg 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals
we must not back down, we must never give in, we must rescue all from the fools that run the WTBTS cult! Stand with me now and let's defeate this enemy to reason; these destroyers of family and lives!
That's the spirit, but you should expect some setbacks. This cult has perfected the stranglehold it has on most of those it has enslaved.
In any event, make sure to pop a beer and enjoy yourself while you're at it.
I admire your stance. I can only go by what I see with my 2 family members IN the Borg.
The wife won't talk about it, won't read the letters if I leave anything out. She is uncomfortable
with cult discussions, and just shuts down if I take a position contrary to Mother Borg.My mother probably won't DF me, but my non-JW sibling has made no headway with her.
She so believes that Armageddon is right around the corner. I would rather have a decent
relationship with her than cause her to be divided in loyalties, thinking she might have to
reduce/cancel talking to me.If I pulled my mother out (it might happen), then I would be harder on the JW's toward the wife,
but I might still just remain a fader until they are both out.This worked for you, thus far- So GO DAWG GO!!
Wow, I am glad you got such a favorable response. Kudos.
hemp lover
I'd love to read your letter, if you feel like sharing it.
I'd love to read your letter, if you feel like sharing it.
I was curious too hemp! Hey BTW...How YOU doing?
yeah me too.
And Sad Emo who's here for tea!
Go get 'em, Dawg!
I've been considering doing something similar, now that I've been out for almost two years. If you can somehow get the letter pasted onto the forum, it would be of great benefit.
Stay strong....4 your family!!! If you have them atleast talking and THINKING that's a start. I don't think it will be easy or a short proccess so pace yourself, keep showing love and hopefully you'll get some help from the WTS with all the SUBMIT TO US BLINDLY BS they have been printing. It's all a big game and a matter of time!!! Stay Strong
Hope springs eternal.
Well done brother dawg!