What is your biggest problem with the JW religion?

by jambon1 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Disfellowshipping JW's who have any association with a DF'd or DA'd JW. Take that penalty away and I think some of their other problems would get solved.

  • crownboy

    The blood issue.

  • Highlander

    My biggest issue is the Shunning Doctrine as it is the Tool that is used to enforce all the other wacky WT ways.

    Eliminate that tool, and all the other controversial doctrines will then become personal decisions instead of group decisions.

    As it stands now, the average witness follows the blood policy because they are told to(under threat of shunning), not because they did their own personal bible and medical research.

  • RubaDub

    The "One Towel Rule" at assemblies pushes me over the edge.

    Rub a Dub

  • WTWizard

    Along with everything listed above, I have the biggest problem with the way they set up obstacle courses against fulfillment of natural sex drives. First you have to get married. And they put up a maze that most people could not navigate to arrive there. It has to be another Dub. Then they have to be in it for an undetermined amount of time (presumably so that someone that they are not watching as closely can take the prospective mate out from under your feet). They make meeting the opposite sex just about impossible at the a$$emblies, and they have done away with multi-congregation gatherings. This makes meeting a partner all but impossible.

    Within the congregation, they also ban doing something with other members of the opposite sex on a regular basis. If anyone seems to be drawn toward a member of the opposite sex, they will always set up arrangements to bust them apart. For instance, the brother will likely see the back end of the literature or magazine department to bust up any courtship. Service and book study arrangements get shuffled when they see anything like this starting to happen within a book study or a service group.

    Result: I have absolutely nothing to lose by blowing out. As long as I create the maximum amount of wasted time and havoc, I have nothing to lose if I get disfellowshipped. There is no way I am going to an organization that has successfully reduced the possibilities to same-sex. That created negative benefit with positive costs--now that the cost exceeds the "benefit", I see nothing wrong with ratting out the organization to anyone that is thinking of joining it.

  • integ

    I have many issues w/ the witnesses, but may I say I also have a few issues with:

    Brad Alms

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Power, arrogance and ignorance, a bad combination

  • sass_my_frass

    Tough call: child abuse (and any kind of abuse) coverups are horrific. Disfellowhipping is a less horrific thing that happens to more people.

  • PinTail

    All of it in a nut shell could be repaired if they the (still existing Bible Students,") way back when, would have told Rutherford to go pound sand.

    With the Bible Students there is not all these issues like mind control, holidays I like Christmas its a time for familys and concering Christ act of giving to me the Bible Students don't shun you for observing it, also the blood issue and all the people who have died because of it, neutrality issue as far as where to work concerning the draft, your kids in school and playing basket ball or other sports leave it to the parents and don't shun them for their choices. What can you exspect from a cult.

  • trevor

    These are all good points that you have made on this thread and they generally amount to one thing..

    The JW religion robs people of their most precious possession - their mind. Life should be an adventure of discovery that leads to awareness and understanding.

    Our minds should be free to enquire, accept, rejecting and grow. This happens in meaningful careers which the JW religion attempts to outlaw. It happens through the books we are free to choose to read that interest us because of where we are on life's journey. It happens through the people we are free to associate with and learn from.

    Being a JW means closing closing the mind to reason and a surrender of all mental freedom. It is a religion that imprisons the mind, suppresses freedom of thought and holds its member back from reaching their full potential.


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