My Story

by 38 Years 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ex-nj-jw

    Welcome 38 years!!!!

    Glad to have you here.


  • reneeisorym

    Thanks for sharing!!

  • Jim_TX

    Thanks for sharing your story, and welcome to the forum.


    Jim TX

  • done4good

    I really enjoyed that, 38!



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi 38 Years,

    I'm just a few years older than you, so I could easily identify with some of the history you covered. I admire you for the self-confidence and determination you've displayed: I know that you may feel that you weren't very "heroic," but compared to the average Dub, I think you were. You knew what was required, you knew what was opinion, and you knew how to tell the difference. that is a lot more than many are capable of. I was years behind you in that regard.

    So congratulations for your successes, and consolation for the aches and pains you've earned along the way. I hope you continue to have faith that your sister, being YOUR SISTER, will eventually have her own awakening, and you will be there to help her. One thing that might be helpful is to watch a movie with her - rent a copy of TICKET TO HEAVEN and let her see if there aren't similarities between the Dubs and the Moonies upon whom the story is based.

    For further reading, check out the free on-line copy of VISIONS OF GLORY at Freeminds:

    Best wishes to you!

  • mouthy

    Thank you for sharing .... Your a smart cookie to find a way out on your own ....Me I had to get kicked out. LOL
    I didnt believe Jesus came in 1914 -invisably of course. But I looked ,& looked, examined & examined the books to "see" him.... But I had blind eyes!!!!!
    But the day came two years after when I SAW!!!!! HIM!!!!! or better HE saw me. LOST !!! so he FOUND me...
    Hope it wont be long before your Mum & Sis sees the real TRUTH soon

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    What an encouraging story, 38! Good for you!

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    I am a "newbe," too.

    What a great story..thank you for the time in writing it.

    Take care,


  • anewme

    38, I too came into the borg about the same time as you. I was an elder's wife for 20 years and the repetitious weekly grind just wore me down too.

    Good post! We await many more of them as you get acquainted here and feel comfortable to share more.

    Welcome to the forum!


  • betterdaze

    Hi 38 Years, welcome! ~Sue

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