I believe that we are all subject to either God or man but man is very limited. As a Christian I believe that God is in control. He did give us free choice to an extent but He is control overall. What or who do you think is in control?
If not God, who or what is ultimately in control?
by Guest with Questions 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why does someone/something have to be in control?
choosing life
There is an obvious order to everything we know about. That alone gives me comfort and makes me realize that it is not up to me to worry about the future of things.
There is a force that has created and sustains this order. Call him what you will, God, nature, or just the divine. It is nice to know that this divine force is in control and I can enjoy the wonders of nature around me.
Ever hear of chaos theory?
>>There is an obvious order to everything we know about.
There is significant disorder as well. Though "order" is really just what looks ordered to us. If you're color blind, a pile of red chips sitting next to a pile of green chips doesn't look ordered at all. If we're a product of this universe, it makes sense (to me) that it would appear ordered.
I disagree that any intelligent force is in any sort of control, but then your belief in that idea brings you comfort. If so, and it isn't hurting you or those around you, why change it? And why on earth would *I* want to change you? Not a chance...
i am in control of me, you are in control of you, jesus is dead and god doesnt do anything..... if god is in control and your christian god allows all the stuff that is going on in this world, well i think its time we elect a new leader... and if you come back with satan is in control of whats going on... well again, lets elect another leader who can control it better... since satan is screwing us all royally and god is the one who put him in power... well, i think maybe i should get the power to do something about this mess they have created for us....
so for now, i am in control of me, you are in control of you,, jesus is dead and god doesnt do anything...
the infamous one
Your question presupposes that someone or something must be in control. Of what? Humans? Life on Earth? The Universe?
Despite government propaganda, humans are mostly anarchic in their day to day lives. In fact, outside of Western "democracies" (aka "police states"), government interference in people's lives is minimal. Even those who believe in god(s) pretty much do as they please, and the god(s) don't seem to mind. The individual human tends to resist centralized control, but cooperation with others is often necessary for survival.
Life on Earth pretty much follows a simple pattern. All living things maintain boundaries and export entropy. Living things reproduce. Even single-cell life forms possess the ability to choose and are "intelligent" in their own way, capable of movement and even cooperation with other life. Your body is composed of trillions of singularly "intelligent" cells cooperating with each other to export entropy and reproduce. There is no centralized control, but cooperation is imperative for survival.
Our science tells us that the Universe is composed of matter and energy visible in the form of dust, planets, stars, and galaxies. There are four known forces that control the Universe: gravity, electromagnetic interaction, strong nuclear interaction, weak nuclear interaction.
Now, the secret to understanding the above is to eliminate anthropocentric thoughts. Not an easy thing to do considering all the cultural baggage that most people have.Dave
DeViL DriVeR 76
If something has to be in control than maybe its just the universe itself. Just the moon alone has more impact in our lives than we may know. Not only does it control the tides and everything else we learned in class like gravity and what not. When people say the crazies come out ona full moon its not just an old wives tale. If you know a cop ask them if they notice a difference on a full moon as compared to any other day.
Last month my first child was born. The maternity ward and waiting room were packed. My girlfriend needed to have an emergency c-section. When we came out into the recovery room there were couples lined up waiting for their scheduled c-sections. I passed by the waiting room on the way to our room and it was packed. The next day everything was empty as well as the day after that and so on until we were discharged. What I left out was my girl was born on a full moon. At the time I didnt know it. When we got to our room I mentioned to the nurse how shocked I was that the place was so crowded. She looked at me with no surprise and said "happens every full moon".
I dont believe in astrology but read your chart sometime. I'm not talking about a wonton cookie fortune or going to some money hungry "Psychic". For most people the characteristics in their charts describe their personalities almost perfectly. And it's not just broad terms they use that can apply to anyone because if you read someone elses they wont apply to you the way yours does.
Tornadoes, volcanoes, wildfires, floods, etc ruin acres upon acres of land constantly, thats also a force we cnat stop so is that in control? who knows.
My parents are still practicing JW's and if you can only hear the ignorance the spew you'd either laugh or puke. Every time something bad happens it's satans fault and everytime something good happens it's god's doing. According to my mom Satan gave her cancer but god influenced the "worldy" people at the cancer treatment center to fly her there and treat her at no charge. Well their god is generous considering he did the same for jews, catholics etc.
I believe there is something out there that is in control but I dont believe it's a being with the ability to make decisions.
P.S. maybe the iluminati or free masons are in control LOL
Guest with Questions
Why does someone/something have to be in control?
am in control of me, you are in control of you
There is no centralized control
I wasn’t asking who is in control of the details in ones own life but who or what is in control overall. We have no choice about when, where, or that we are even born, about when and how we die, who our parents will be etc. We have lots of choices in how we live our own lives but overall we don'thave much choice. Governments as a whole have some control over the lives of individuals; some, like socialism, more so. That's not necessarily a bad thing. We need order, we just can't do some things just because we feel like it. Some say that if the belief in God gives some comfort, the same can apply to those who chose Socialism or if Communism is forced upon us; the Govt will take care of my overall needs. You saw it when Communism fell; people were at a loss and many wanted Communism back. But Govts run by people only have a certain amount of control; they are limited. So who or what is ultimately in control? Wouldn't it be more honest to say that we don't know than to flippantly say I am in control of my life?
Look around you.....
Nobody is in control of anything.