God could NEVER convince me he exists. Weird...

by AlmostAtheist 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2


    I've made the same point many times on this forum. Humans are not capable of determining that an entity is either all-knowing or all-powerful. We could make a rough determination that an entity appears to have super human powers but a determination of infinite quantities is just not possible. And we ought to question the motives of an entity that expects us to rely on our own finite powers to believe what the entity claims.

    Add to this the Satan factor and you really make things complicated. Supposedly Satan is able to con us by transforming himself into what would appear to be a benevolent angel of light.

    Even if this entity doesn't ask us to kill or harm someone it would really make me wonder if such an entity expected me to do an act of worship toward it. How pompous and conceited. Almost like taking advantage of a child. Do this you little helpless servile worm and then I will give you some goodies.

    That's why I remain an atheist. God has yet to proposition me.

  • kid-A

    "I think it's far more likely that I'll be nuts than I'll be approached by a super-entity."

    > Not necessarily in that order....lol..........

    "Still though, I agree that this amounts to 'drawing my own reality', which is why it was such a disturbing realization to come to."

    I'd say it would be far more disturbing to let somebody else draw your own reality.....

  • RunningMan

    Well, Dave, it sounds like you can safely remove the "almost" from your handle.

    Welcome to the wide world of atheism. To prove your loyalty, you must sacrifice a virgin.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Cool topic Dave. I kinda feel the same way. My brain just can't really get around how there could be a God because of the question of how it was supposedly around forever in the first place. I mean, how would an entity prove that it has "just existed" forever ? And if it were created by someone else then how the hell could it prove that IT was around forever?

    I must have a case of full blown atheism with a sore throat.


  • joannadandy

    Actually a friend of mine wrote a short story similar to this. The premise is Jesus is reborn on earth - (not called Jesus this time around) - and as a teen he starts having visions that he is God's son, but of course thinks he is crazy so instead gets treatment. Therefore the second coming cannot happen because he's a drug induced stupor.

    I liked the concept.

    I have to admit - I am pretty good at rationalizing things myself - and would probably also dismiss any missive from God as just me needing to spend a little time in a padded cell.

  • gumby

    Dave, your logical conclusion as to how you would react explains why many of the bible stories are ...well.....stories.

    How do you think Baalam would have REALLY reacted if his damn donkey started verbally arguing with him? He woulda ran like a scared bastard....that's what.

    And, how do you suppose Eve would have responded when a damn snake started talking to her? Hell, just the sight of the damn snake woulda made her pee her pants....uh....uh....I mean pee all over her skin.

    People in Noah's day would have also acted as you would if god spoke to you. Imagine you lived in Noah's day and your out mowing your lawn and some gray bearded man approaches you from out of the bushes and tells you god is going to make it rain and drown everyone who don't listen to him. First, you ask him what rain means since it never did that before. Then when he tells you it's when water falls out of the sky. How do you suppose you'd act? Do you think you'd say......"hey...no shit!!!?..... it's really gonna rain? Where do I sign up to worship this crazy ass god before he drowns me to death"?

    The point is, your feelings on this reflects how most people would act had they never had any experience with an unseen diety/creature,etc. People in the bible who were contacted by god acted as if it was an everyday occurence. Not one person was scared as hell.....cept for Adam and that was only because he was in deep doo doo for disobeying god and he knew his arse was grass. So.....don't feel bad if yer ascared of meeting god someday. I get a rapid heartbeat when by dog lets wind.


  • daystar

    I take a different approach. I am open to the prospect, if such a god exists, to contact. And he could tell me to do whatever. But I reserve the right to tell him to bugger off.

  • sass_my_frass

    I would assume that God, knowing everything, would know this about AlmostAtheist, and find a way to communicate that he'd believe. If God exists, and cares that we worship him, and wants everybody to be saved, this would have happened already, and he'd be NotAtheist instead.

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