What would you have accomplished?

by restrangled 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    After watching Jordon Spraks on American Idol so strongly supported by her parents, I wonder what some of us could have accomplished had we had the same in our younger years.

    What could you have done at that age?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, r. --------

    While not familiar with A.I. nor Jordan S., I must say that parental support IS everything. Despite what we "know" to be the WT's stance on education and involvement with the arts, JWs whose children I teach are 100% behind their offsprings' artistic development. To hear us talk and plan you'd have no idea that there was a high-control entity interfering with the kids' artistic development. I'm not necessarily talking about aiming for a career, but parents - JW or not - whose passion is nudging the children along, make all the difference in the world. My parents and grandparents were totally behind me as I moved toward a life in the arts. Despite the 40 year hiatus as a JW, I am moving back into the arena of full-time advocate of the fine arts, and those four dear, deceased "parents" are the motivation.
    When I was a kid, fame and fortune were certainly a motivating factor, but I'm no longer a juvenile. Making a difference, just passing on the torch, is reward enough for CoCo. So glad to get "me" out of the way!


  • anewme

    Yes, parental support and love works magic in a young heart!
    Without it life is much more challenging.

  • DeViL DriVeR 76
    DeViL DriVeR 76

    I'm not sure what I would have accomplished, but if I was NOT raised a JW I can tell you what I would NOT have accomplished.

    1. I would not have publicly announced I wanted to kill myself at age 11.

    2. I would not have received beating after beating(not spankings) for falling asleep during meetings.

    3. I would not have been made fun of my entire life in school and in my neighborhood.

    4. I would have had a childhood.

    5. I would know what it's like to get birthday and christmas presents.

    6. I would not have dropped out of highschool.(Who needs school when you CANT go to college and all you can do is preach)

    7. I would not have been depressed for as long as I can remember, and would not have social anxiety disorder.

    8. I would not have random panic attacks for no reason.

    9. I would not have had to live in fear of doing anything the WTS said was wrong in fear I would die a horrible death at Armageddon.

    I don't want to bore you all with anymore but my first child was born last month. You know how you say I'm going to give her/him what I never had? Well most mean material possesions, when we say that we mean a happy childhood. I already warned my mom if she ever preaches to her or takes her into a KH that will be the last time she ever sees her.

    Now that I think of it I know what I would have accomplished if I had the support that girls parents gave her. I'd live a happy care free life not fearing that the normal human desires and thoughts I had would not have gotten me destroyed at armageddon.

  • bernadette

    My parents wanted me to do a degree and follow a professional career - they had such high hopes for me. My husband's parents wanted him to do one too, they were livid when he dropped out of doing his A'levels to pioneer.

    I really feel like I'd like to complete my education now though but am unsure what in - religious studies. I was never very good at mathematics at school and now feel quite motivated to maybe do a year long highschool level course in maths. Get the old grey cells going - feeling excited thinking about it - good topic restrangled.

    bernadette of the not sure class

  • gljh

    Well i think if i had more support from my family i would of achieved a lot more than i did playing sports.Not blowing my own horn but i was rated 3rd fastest in my country at my age , but i was only allowed to compete to a certain level,ill never know how far i could of gone. Nationals were out of the question because my mother had a weird idea that the spirit of competition was bad.It was crazy trying to explain to my phys ed teacher who backed me 100% even tho i was a wildchild.I kinda hate the witnesses a little bit for that lol.

    I think not being able to play sports beyond playing for my school(and even that was frowned upon by other witnesses),was i guess 1 of the reasons i gave up and started doing drugs because to me it seemed so pointless.I dont know...

  • jaguarbass

    My parents werent going to support me regardless. My father wasnt a witness, he was into himself. My mother hung out on the couch when we werent at meetings.

  • zanex

    I could have RULED the world!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wait..realistically u mean? who knows! I had an interest in the stage many many years ago...had to smuggle myself into an audition in HS..got the part even...(a drunk, homelss bum with a little dog he carried around) but had to lie to my folks..sneak out for rehearsals and even had to *GASP miss not one but TWO meetings in one week...sigh...eh...those were the days...anyways..wuda cuda mighta been able to have been an actor with a little support from my parental units! lol but hey thats life right?


  • SixofNine

    I think I could have invented many more things than I have so far.

  • BFD

    DeVil DriVer 76

    and congrats on your new baby!


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