My Spiritual Awakening has turned to........

by AK - Jeff 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Great post Jeff!

    Looking back, it feels like I've had multiple sets of "scales" over my eyes.

    It feels so good to shed a new set as the time becomes right.

    Open Mind

  • OnTheWayOut

    Great to hear your progress, Jeff.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • nvrgnbk

    I too call this real, tangible progress brother.

  • Mulan

    I understand completely Jeff.

  • Nowman

    I hate to say this because I really don't want to have a big duscussion about it...(I was worn out by the other threads about atheism/agnostic that I read but did not contribute too much)...but my life is a whole lot simpler being currently without religion.


  • Sirona

    Since you're happy with where you are right now, that is great!

    I'm happy with my beliefs. Some find it better to discard them, or to just avoid anything organised.



    This might be because now you have no meaning to life and nothing to look fwd to. You might want to check what is it that made you leave. Maybe it was the fact that you dont have the strength to overcome all the evil's doing or just that you are not into it anymore. Yet if you really say you want to replace going to the meeting with something, why dont you keep going and associating with those friends in the Hall that can help you overcome this issue.

  • brunnhilde

    I understand, too, what you're saying, Jeff. After a little over a year of being out, I'm starting to feel comfortable just trusting myself instead of feeling like I should be looking to someone else to direct my spirituality. I'm so happy for you that you're beginning to find that stillness and serenity that I'm still questing towards. Thank you for sharing your insights along the way of your own journey. You're reaching insights that (obviously) those still in the Borg can't even imagine are possible.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Seems like a metamorphosis of sorts to me. Purps, I think you clinched the metaphor. As I was saying to another poster from here on JWD the other day [on the phone], the demarcation of change became emphatic when I made my DA 'official' last fall. It was not final closure, of that I am certain - but it was a major nail in the WTS coffin for me, and allowed me to 'move on' much more quickly than in the previous three years.

    Understand, I am not recommending any particular course of legal action regarding anyone else's status with the WTS, but for me it was a milestone, that I believe has aided the 'unraveling' of that mental yarn.


  • Dagney

    Thank you for sharing Jeff, that echos my situation as well.

    I looked to join "something" after leaving the org...but didn't feel comfortable with anything. Now I don't want anything to do with religion. If I do anything will be in some type of volunteer work.

    Thanks again for excellent description.


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