Latest news of my Husband Marco (heart surgery)

by orangefatcat 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Wishing him all the best for the surgery, he has surely made the right choice given the state of his heart, all operations carry some risk.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear OFC & Marco,

    Wishing you a measure of peace and a successful outcome at a very difficult time.

    Blessings and love,


  • orangefatcat

    I want to thank all of you for your words of kindness and encouragement. Your prayers and good thoughts.

    I apoligize for having taken a long time to bring you all up to date on his condition. He was prepared for the surgery on Monday then on Sunday night he was very sick and they did some more tests and blood work. Apparently his kidneys are acting up and his creatine is rather at high levels.

    Until his conditon improves surgery would be extremely dangerous. The nurse told me this morning if his creatine levels go back to normal with in the week then Dr. Peniston will do the quadruple by pass. We are all holding our breathe that Marco in the mean time doesn't have another heart attack as the doctor said it could prove fatal this time. And I am worried too.

    Of course this is very stressful to the both of us. Marco more so. I am just wiped out going back and forth several times a day to be with him. Thank God I have that electric scooter. I would be lost with out it as I could never walk.

    So this is the senerio at present. I once again thank you all for your kindness and words of encouragement.

    I am very fatigued but will try and get a little more rest today as it is quite hot and humid and I have a hard time functioning in these conditons.

    So then I will keep you up to speed as I am told.

    my profond love for you all.




  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Thanks for the update, I'm sorry to hear the surgery was cancelled this time and hoping it can be quickly rescheduled and go ahead.

    Try to remember to take good care of yourself too, eat and get some rest if and when you can - Marco will need you strong to look after him.

    Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.


  • free2think


    I hope he improves quickly so he can have the surgery. Thinking of you both.


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