A friend just said that disfellowshipping is no longer practiced due to legalities, does anyone know if this true?
Have JW's done away with disfellowshipping?
by lostlantern 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Bumble Bee
Now they just make an announcement "So and So is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses".
Same sht, different name.
There is a BOE letter that states that change. D'fing used to be written but know it's purely done verbally to avoid legalities. In reality a verbal D'fing is not legally binding. Would a marriage be legally binding without a marriage license?
I was an elder a few months ago and there was no significant change that we were made aware of. Just the semantic change of "...no longer a JW" instead of "DFd". Everything else remains intact. Just that the lawyers are reviewing all public announcements now.
It doesn't matter how the cult labels it, the JW will still think DISFELLOWSHIPPED no matter what the circumstances or announcement.
I was an elder a few months ago and there was no significant change that we were made aware of. Just the semantic change of "...no longer a JW" instead of "DFd".
That's odd. They announced my sister's as "___________ has been disfellowshipped." Oops.
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34 times....first time errored out, second time operator error..third time error...maybe someone is trying to tell me something....NOT! one more time and hopefully there is not 3 posts....lostlantern: NO...I wish they had done away with it...
D'fing used to be written but know it's purely done verbally to avoid legalities
cultswatter: as of Dec 06 when I was removed as an elder there was no change in policy from the Borg.... There are written files maintained on all JC cases at the local congo. Announced and Unannounced Reproof (formerly called Public and Private Reproof respectively) files are only maintained locally (unless it is child molestation, then BorgLawyers get involved or if it was a MS/Elder/Pioneer that is removed, then Borg
ServiceSpy Department gets notice.) If it is D/F or D/A, then the JC sends a summary of the case on a S-77 form (or it S-79, I forget which number is still used)...the original notes taken by the individual elders is put in the envelope, sealed up, your name, date of decision, and the elders who were on the JC are put on the outside and the file stays in the local congo file forever (well, unless you get reappointed as an elder... or if you are buddies with the secretary... then things can have a funny way of disappearing . I know, the nasty letters written about me when I moved seemed to have disappeared,...but that is another story for another thread if someone asks...)The bad thing about the current announcement is that all it says is
"So and So is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses".
So the average R&F Dub is sitting there drooling on his NWT and yellow highlighted KM, lost in his Borg Induced Mind Fog, when all of a sudden that announcement is made. Average Dub shakes the cobwebs out of his or her head long enough to think "I wonder what Brother X did to get booted? Fornication? Loose Conduct, Child Molester?" See, the average dub does not automatically think that maybe Brother X just had enough and walked away...because the announcement is no longer D/F or D/A...one size fits all that get the boot by MommaBorg. Then Average Dub goes back to drooling, eyes glazing over again, only to gossip about possible reasons why Brother X got the boot while out in the
MinistrySales work the next morning.And Brother (now ex-Brother) X has no recourse to tell everyone the real reason he was booted..... (unless you do what one brother did while before he got the boot for apostacy...oh but that story too is for anothe day and another thread if asked)
You cant successfully sue the Craptower or the local BOE for slander (for making the announcement) because it has been properly vetted by the BorgLawyers. Religious exemption from slander laws and all....
say it loud and clear with me boys and girls bull****
SnakesInTheTower (of the fading slowly but surely Sheep Class)
If you don't want to be shunned (ie treated like a disfellowshipped person), you now have to be careful never to say, "I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness."
Open mind
And I'm pretty sure that was a pig I just saw flying over my house.
Open Mind