What would be your top list of books that have influenced you to be at the point where you now are in your life? For me so far it would have to be Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins, Crisis of Conscience/In Search of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz and Understanding Cults and Mind Control by Steve Hassan.
Recommended Reading
by sweet pea 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
I would add
Gentile Times Reconsidered - Carl Olaf Jonsson
Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
Bible Doctrine - Wayne Gruden
What's So Amazing About Grace - Philip Yancey
Life Application Study Bible - any version, amazing notes.
You Can Live Forever in Paradise - just kidding
darth frosty
The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream: Books: Paulo Coelho by Paulo Coelho.
The resources on this website were an absolute lifesaver for me
The Road Less Traveled by M Scott Peck
Barbara Grizutti Harrison's online article regarding her experience leaving the WTS
My college textbooks and lectures
"Controlling People: How to Recognize, Understand, and Deal with People Who Try to Control You" by Patricia Evans. It has some chapters dealing with controlling groups. I think she does a good job explaining about how people with a need to control replace another person's authentic self with the controller's fantasy version of that person. All of the articles in the WT about people giving up their artistic hobbies, etc. popped into mind when I read this.
End-Time Visions : The Road to Armageddon (Hardcover) by Richard Abanes (Author) and
Apocalypses: Prophecies, Cults, and Millenial Beliefs Through the Ages Feb 27, 2007 This book by Eugen Weber is very important. It dedicates only two or three paragraphs to J.W.s. For that very reason it's a good read for those who are undecided. It shows that the "unique" message of the organization is really nothing of the sort.
sweet pea
Thank you everyone for your recommendations so far - looking forward to reading them all....