Assembly Headache

by WTWizard 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • greendawn

    Interesting the assembly halls are not just toxic due to the bad spiritual energies that pervade them but also due to the physical environment. I don't know why people don't just sleep when they feel bored and tired from the dull, uninspiring, manipulative talks and plays.

  • free2think

    I always got assembly headaches, before, during and after.

  • Gayle

    It is due to "dehydration" - of water of the "real" truth!

  • ninja

    there must be a lot of frustrated husbands after the assembly...with all them headaches going about

  • brinjen
    there must be a lot of frustrated husbands after the assembly...with all them headaches going about

    Ninja, you never fail to crack me up! Honestly I'm lucky my keyboard still works with all the coffee, juice, water, cougar I've managed to spray it with. I should learn to not be sipping any liquid when I read your posts!

  • OnTheWayOut
    from what i've read, our minds are most susceptible to accepting ideas when
    we're tired and sleepy....thus sleep deprivation for interrogation and brainwashing.

    The doctrinal reinforcement stuff usually comes late in the morning and shortly after lunch.
    This way, you are more vulnerable to believe what you are half-listening to.

    The flip-flop this year at the DC of the drama and public discourse: the main reason is to
    prevent people from leaving after the drama and not return. Also, they might have discovered
    that Sunday afternoon, people are focused on getting out of there, so the discourse in the
    morning might have a bigger effect on their minds.

    If you could get away with sleeping, why couldn't you get away with walking out to the car and
    missing the session?

  • ninja

    hey brinjy.....its ninjy....the keyboard destroyer......he he

  • nvrgnbk

    I always left the assemblies and conventions severely depressed and a little constipated.

  • free2think

    I always left feeling bad that I didn't concentrate more.

  • brinjen
    hey brinjy.....its ninjy....the keyboard destroyer......he he

    Nope, coffee cup is empty. Better luck next time

    I always left the assemblies and conventions severely depressed and a little constipated.

    It's all that 'spiritual food' with a high meat content and very little fibre. It will do that to you.

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