They are on a very expensive leather couch, and I have 3 throw rugs covering all. They sleep on top of the rugs
LOL...sounds like my two boxers. We acquired a pup in the winter, and he was used to sleeping on the couch...our older boxer was not allowed. So now, here we are, also with a leather couch, and it's layered with blankets..looks like hell, but it works.
My older dog, she just turned 9 last month, has become aggressive with other dogs too, but the vet says she only wants to play. She is very loving to us, and others who come to the house, but she is very protective as well. The trouble is, she jumps off our porch at other dogs and scares the hell out of them. She has done this twice now, so she is not allowed to go on the porch. She was obediance trained as a pup, we've never had to muzzle her, she is good on walks, but lately, I'm not so confident with her. ( back to the old drawing board with her) The pup is 6 months old and I'm currently training him...I have a long leather leash, and he's learning to "heel", walk by my!!! He thinks HE'S the boss....
Others have given you excellent advise...train them in the yard before you take them out for walks...that is a good way to do it.
Best of luck to you....