Sunday Notes at the District Convention – An emotional plea to “young ones”

by truthseeker 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    “Continue Following Me” – John 21:19

    Much of the program was similar to the previous two days. The fact that Jesus has appeared in almost every talk title suggests that the Society is once again morphing its tactics to persuade more persons that they aren’t an old Testament cult but an alternative Christian denomination.

    I repeat my previous assertion that there is a manipulative intelligence at work here. No ordinary person could possible have such foresight and such knowledge of human behavior to think and write the things these Watchtower writers do. These persons can look back at over a century of Watchtower teachings, the reactions to teachings and what motivates human behavior and adapt their organization as needed.

    Focusing the entire Friday program on Jesus’ life and ministry and at the end introducing the teaching of the faithful and discreet slave was the product of an ingenious mind. The Society have behavioral control and modification down to an art.

    The first talk on Sunday Do Not “Beg Off” From Following the Christ is explicitly for young persons and is based on Jesus’ illustration of the master that invites many people to dinner and each one begs off from going giving excuses such as “I married a wife and cannot go” or “I bought some cattle and must see to them” etc.

    Speakers comments are below:

    Speaker gives illustration of how over the years, a cup of coffee used to be 50 cents and now it is a $1, but, the thing that bothers him is the coffee cup has shrunk from 20 oz to 16 oz. The purpose of this illustration?

    Are we short changing Jehovah by giving him less?

    Young ones – if you’re sitting on the sidelines you’re missing out. Are you on the sidelines or in the game?

    If you stay on the sidelines, you’ll find the ministry boring.

    Being in the truth can be incredible exciting!

    I guarantee your life will be more exciting if you play the game – team up with a pioneer, comment at the Watchtower. The truth is as exciting as you’ll make it. Get in the game!

    What are our priorities? Education, career, recreation?

    What about our zeal?

    Speaker interviews two sisters, one of whom uses the phrase “joyful overflow” when describing how she felt about her pioneering activities.

    Another sister felt that life was passing her by as she watched pioneers experience the joy of the ministry that she did not feel.

    Can you pioneer? Are you doing the best for Jehovah?

    This is the greatest organization in the world!

    This sounds like a desperate attempt to emotionally appeal to “young ones” by trying to make the truth sound exciting. To be honest, five repetitive meetings a week, prewritten “What to say about the magazines”, encouragement to do research in Watchtower literature that already is the product of research and long boring assemblies with no organized social life is hardly going to appeal to someone who has an aptitude for learning and a desire to better their standard of living.

    The symposium at 10:10 “Precious Gems From The Sermon on the Mount” was uneventful. No interesting info here.

    11:20 Who Are The Real Followers of Christ?

    A feeble attempt to make it seem that only Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the Christ. Jehovah’s Witnesses are neutral, do not go beyond the things written and actively proclaim Kingdom Good News – right – and there goes a flying pig.

    Speaker uses illustration of an apple and an orange tree and says how would we know which was which if neither tree had fruit. Compares to Jesus’ parable of the tree producing fine fruit and the other being burnt down for being unproductive.

    There are 37,000 denominations of Christendom (which number do the dubs occupy?)

    Can your choice of religion affect you? (Yes)

    And a classic – Do not let fear stop you from examining the true religion!

    Intermission and lunch

    Many attendants made absolute fools of themselves by holding up signs saying “Quiet Please” and “Move Along” – talk about behavior modification.

    1:45 DRAMA – Clothe Yourselves With Lowliness of Mind
    The Society loves Old Testament dramas because of the life/death situations many of the Bible characters find themselves in and also because of the dramatic content.

    This drama is no different and focuses on greedy Gehazi, Elisha’s attendant. The drama invented much of the dialogue between Gehazi and Elisha and Naaman. The moral of the drama? Do not let pride and ambition get in the way of serving Jehovah.

    3:15 Keep Following Christ Our Invincible Leader!

    Another talk with numerous examples of how Jehovah works the legal system. Many lands which had formerly banned the dubs are now opening their doors, or are at least criticizing those governments which did ban them.

    Example – European Court of Human Rights found Georgia guilty of restricting freedom of religion

    Many of you here are wondering what’s happening with the French tax case. This was mentioned and the speaker said France wants a back tax of $50,000,000 which the Society consider unfair. The Society exhausted all attempts to persuade the French government to consider otherwise and are now going to the European Court of Human Rights. A decision is expected this year – so stay tuned.

    The only new release this year was the book “Come, Be My Follower!” Another 192 page book with nothing new in it.

    This year’s convention, for the most part, was uneventful.

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    The WTS are out culling for more sheep to control and make them their brings back memories

  • Elsewhere

    Thanks for taking one for the team Truthseeker! Sitting through the convention like that has got to be harsh!

  • RichieRich

    Young ones – if you’re sitting on the sidelines you’re missing out. Are you on the sidelines or in the game?

    If you stay on the sidelines, you’ll find the ministry boring.

    see how they compare serving Jehovah to simple common everyday things, like playing sports?

    OH WAIT, Witness youths aren't allowed to play team sports.

    those bastards.

  • blondie

    It still boils down that you can't get to Christ except through the WTS/FDS/GB. That they and they alone are the only true representatives and channel of and to Christ.

    *** g85 4/8 p. 13 The Best Government—Soon! ***

    Now what events must take place shortly? Revelation assures us that the "scarlet-colored wild beast" and its wielders of political power "will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and . . . will completely burn her with fire." (Revelation 17:16) What does this graphic language forebode? That political elements, represented in the United Nations, will turn against the world empire of false religion to destroy it. But this means they will also eventually turn against the true representatives of God’s Kingdom by Christ, namely, Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    *** w03 3/15 p. 27 ‘The Lips of Truth Will Endure Forever’ ***

    Jehovah gives us sound counsel through his Word and through his organization, using the publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45; 2 Timothy 3:16) How foolish to reject good advice and insist on our own way! We "must be swift about hearing" when Jehovah, "the One teaching men knowledge," counsels us through his channel of communication.—James 1:19; Psalm 94:10.

    *** w03 6/1 p. 21 par. 16 Stand Still and See the Salvation of Jehovah! ***

    Trusting in Jehovah will include trusting the modern visible channel that he has clearly been using for decades to serve his purposes. As never before, true Christians will then need to place their confidence in fellow worshipers authorized by Jehovah and his reigning King to take the lead. These faithful men will direct God’s people. Ignoring their direction could end in disaster.—Matthew 24:45-47; Hebrews 13:7, 17.

  • truthseeker

    Thanks every one for comments.

    You're right Blondie, the WT is the only channel by which one can be saved by Jehovah and Christ.

    It does seem with this year's Christ centered program and the new release they are tryng to present a more Christ-friendly image - while at the same

    time foricng everyone to trust the channel that Jehovah and Jesus are using.

  • Highlander
    Speaker gives illustration of how over the years, a cup of coffee used to be 50 cents and now it is a $1, but, the thing that bothers him is the coffee cup has shrunk from 20 oz to 16 oz. The purpose of this illustration?

    So the speaker prefers gluttony over moderation?

    Being in the truth can be incredible exciting!

    This is exactly what my brother said in an email to me. Well, not exactly, but he did say that being in the truth is exciting!

  • nvrgnbk

    It makes me sick to think I fell for this kind of propaganda when I was a kid.

  • MinisterAmos

    How about a report on the number of baptisms?

  • GentlyFeral

    The fact that Jesus has appeared in almost every talk title suggests that the Society is once again morphing its tactics to persuade more persons that they aren’t an old Testament cult but an alternative Christian denomination.

    That's gotta make some of the old-timers uncomfortable. I know it would have made me uncomfortable - too much like "Christendom." Reminds me of the last convention I ever attended in 1994. Of course I can't remember the title just now, but the opening speech contained lots of references to spiritual freedom and exploration, culminating in the phrase, "We invite you to your spiritual transformation." I was hanging onto the cult by my fingernails at that point, and that kept me in for another year.

    But it was the same old Watchtower bait-n-switch. The theme of real freedom of conscience was dropped and never referred to again. I bet it'll be the same with Jesus - same old same-old once the convention is over.

    gently feral

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