Would you allow your kid to do a really dangerous sport?

by skeeter1 20 Replies latest social family

  • delilah

    Hi Skeeter. Both of my sons play football....when my eldest boy dislocated his elbow during a game last year, the nurse in the hospital yelled at my husband and I for allowing him to play such a dangerous sport. Then she proceeded to tell us how her husband races cars, and has had a few bad crashes.

    All three of my children have played soccer, my eldest son suffered a concussion from that sport. However, he also fell down a flight of stairs at home, and had a concussion. My daughter boxed for 3 years, and I was afraid she'd get really hurt..but she didn't. She was hurt worse when she played rugby. Then again, she broke her arm, roller blading in the front yard when she was 9. So, what are we to do?

    As someone else said, we can't keep them in a cocoon. They could get hurt, or worse, walking out the front door. We just have to do all we can as parents, to ensure they are protected as best can be, and allow them to enjoy the sport they like to play.

    I sit on the sidelines at every practise and game, hoping for the best, with no injuries. I wouldn't think of not letting my boys play a sport they love. It would crush them.

  • ariana

    If you truly love jehovah and want to please him you would not put your child in a danderous situation,because there are serious consequences,Jehovah has said in his own words he does not approve when you live a risky life.Jeohevah loves us and knows whats best for us we trust in him since he was the one who created us.Our main reason we are all here is to serve him and we will be greatly rewarded in heaven.Listen to the scriptures it is the manual of life.

  • Kudra

    ariaaaaana... you haven't answered my quuuestion...

  • ariana

    I understand how hard it can be to make this important decision but like you said if something did happen you would feel guilty. That is why jehovah warns us in the bible not to engaged in worldy activities one reason out of many our lives are unreplaceable, there is nothing more important then that,because if the worst did happen who can bring your child back to life.jehovah can but not at this time.Our lives can be gone in one second. Not to sound scary but im just being realistic.However, since your child has a love for horses she should still be invovled with them by nuturing or once in a while riding around in a circle, just for fun but not for racing. just my thoughts, take care.

  • eclipse
    Our main reason we are all here is to serve him and we will be greatly rewarded in heaven -ariana

    Are you a member of the annointed Ariana? Since when does the average ''great crowd'' JW say the above sentence?????

  • neverendingjourney

    Ariana reminds me of me when I was an active JW: parroting what the society says about everything without very much independent thought.

  • eclipse
    Ariana reminds me of me when I was an active JW: parroting what the society says about everything without very much independent thought.

    That's exactly what I thought too, neverendingjourney, till she mentioned heaven, then I thought..hmmm

  • neverendingjourney

    Hopefully she sticks around, Eclipse, and sees that there is more to the "truth" than what the society tells its members.

  • BlackPearl
    "Would you allow your kid to do a really dangerous sport?"

    That's a hard one. If I really didn't like the kid that much....? Well.... Ahh, go ahead Johnny, do a double back flip on your new Yamaha motorcyle. And don't worry about practicing, you'll do just fine the first time.


  • eclipse

    I hope ariana sticks around JWD too, neverendingjourney.

    Ariana, we do like you, we just think you need to back away from the koolaid....

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