The thread regarding how the MS and Elders keeping up the facade while knowing its all wrong made me think of something.
This happened in the ministerial service meeting. The MS started his part on the program but it was soon evident that he was not firing on all cylinders. His speech was monotone, slurred even. Then he completely lost the plot and stared at his notes as if it was all in hebrew! He mumbled something and an elder walked up to get him off the stage. The teenagers in the cong was snickering, the younger ones said loudly "what is wrong with him mommy?"
First attempt from the elder to lovingly help our poor alchohol laden brother, did not go well. He claimed "I must finishhhh my talksh Bruvver!"
He did not finish. He was now marched ( dragged) off stage.
I was astounded, amused but did not laugh as I wished that I had a drink or two in when sitting through those meetings, Our dear brother was not seen at meetings for about three weeks. No 'marking' or public reproof. I suppose the Judicial Committee could sympathise with the need to drink before you retell lies in public. Must help I suppose.