What was the biggest thing that helped you when you were leaving?

by jambon1 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    Wayne Dyer's book Your Erroneous Zones was invaluable.

    Yes, Mum. That book was a great help to me also. Another thing was my absolute contempt for several slimeball elders who I despised. But the primary source of energy came from the realization that the WTS was a cult.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Friends,

    Well, for us it was a combination of things. I don't know if I could have done it on my own. But fortunately I shared what I was first discovering with my husband, and after much agony, we knew we had to face the facts, as devistating as we knew they would be. The never failing loving support of my parents who left a couple of years before my husband and I, my other family members and close friends who were researching and preparing to leave as well. My computer and the Internet were the only way we were able to gain access to all the invaluable information that helped us weigh the facts before making our decision to leave the organization. Watchtower Research was huge in our research, as well as the British Museum online. And finally when we were getting a very real clear picture of things, my parents told us of this site. Once we had what we were begining to swallow as facts, we found hundreds of ones on here who had discovered the same things. The many posts of actual documents from ones who were willing to take the time to share was critical to finding out the truth about the "truth". And what really helped us, was that most of you had come to the same conclusion that we had yet we had not influenced each other in our findings. Through the love and support of each one of you, as well as our family and friends, and ultimately and most importantly, through the undeserved kindness of our Savior and our Heavenly Father we have been finally freed. So thank all of you who have and continue to help us as well as thousands of others!!


    Lady Liberty

  • delilah

    Well, I have to say, what really did it for me, was the hypocrasy and the bull going on in the congregation. I'd had enough, then my husband was Df'd, and that was pretty much the last straw. Then, dear, sweet Mary, told me about the CoC book, and after reading that, I had my eyes opened as to what the "truth" really was all about.

    Then, Mary helped me to find all you lovely people here at JWD.

  • ninja

    JWD...yes all of you....(except nvr)

  • Gretchen956

    This is a good question. For me it was the one scripture that says something like 'by one thing this you will be known, that you have love amongst yourselves.' I know I'm paraphrasing but you know the one. After a bad accident I got no support from the congregation because I had married out. Then to top that, the gossiping started. When I was told by Mrs. Ministerial Servant that she had heard it from the Assembly Overseer, then I knew it went all the way up. I had experienced the gossiping at every single congregation I had been in without fail, but went along because, after all it was God's org and they were only imperfect humans. OMG how well they condition you to that cognitive dissonence. (SP?)...

    After that one scripture fell apart, the other things fell apart one by one.

    Guess I really have to thank them because if they weren't a bunch of hens (men included) I would probably still be there to this day and still be miserable.


  • Crumpet

    People - people were awesome and when I got abandoned at 16 I just got so much help without asking. Women at my work emptied their cupboards so I would have blankets and plates and cutlery to eat off as I literally had nothing of my own - just lots of books.

    People continue to give me support in all manner of ways and it never stops overwhelming me.

  • ninja

    Oh yeah ..also my conan the barbarian sword and my elephant "Trumpy"

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