Share some of your most bizarre experiences..............

by Warlock 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Warlock

    When I did janitorial work, I cleaned a law office. One night, as the owners were leaving, they told me that one of the attorney's, by the name of Bill, was leaving to work for a different firm. For the next couple of months, though, I kept seeing this attorney there, working.

    So it's been a couple of months, and once again, the owners are leaving and they tell me, "Bill is leaving the firm". I tell them "I know. You told me a couple a couple of months ago and I was wondering why he was still here". They both look at me like I'm crazy and tell me that they never told me that. I insist that they did. Then they say it is impossible for them to have told me that. Bill had just told them that week.

    I don't know how that happened.

    Now, tell us some of your bizarre experiences.


  • snarf

    I was in an empty townhome today painting, and kept getting the feeling of someone watching me or standing right behind me. Plus, the doors kept opening and shutting themselves... no breeze was going through. Kinda weird

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    One time I sat down to defecate, and easing down to the seat, I let out a well proportioned work of art. I went to wipe, but to my surprise, my cheeks were completely dry!

  • Stealth453

    Last weekend, my wife, kids and I were at our rest house. As we were preparing to leave, I walked to where my motorcycle was parked, ready to warm it up, and right in front of all of us, it started on it's own. I was so freaked out, I ran over to see what could have caused it, and it stopped. Within the next 5 minutes, it started itself 3 more times. The REAL strange part of this, is that the keys were in my pocket the whole time.

  • Warlock

    Have you ever seen a UFO?

    I have not.


  • Clam

    LOL @ John Doe. Pretty unbelievable though.

  • nvrgnbk

    I've never had an experience with the paranormal......

    Scary huh?

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    For years I had the same bizarre experiences - every week, two nights and one morning - I went into this boring, unattractive building, sat down and became a drone! This happened week after week, year after year! Finally, I woke up one day, and never went back! LOL LOL LOL


  • ButtLight

    I would but Im all bizarred out! I like reading other peoples experiences.......we need more!!

  • loosie

    I was leaving my moms house once and I heard a voice in my ear say " get out".

    No one was around. I ended up in tears.

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