Zone talk by David Splane - Four figurative giants - Education etc

by truthseeker 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully
    If you have a degree eg computer sciences and you start working at Bethel in the kitchen, what advantage will you have with a degree in computers, you won't use the knowledge.

    David Splane, apparently, is familiar with the Shane Brady story. It's ok, Dave, Shane got to go to University thanks to Voluntary Donations™ to the WTS, and now practices law [with emphasis on the word "practice"] in the prestigious company of W. Glen How & Associates at the Canadian Branch.

  • RedPill2006

    Being an elder in an European country I've had to sit through one of this talks.....

    ....I can only say: ASSHOLE!

    There is nothing more to add and I wish somebody at HQ reads this! This is how *WE* elders think about this kind of talks. Go ahead, give some more of this crap and the Borg will pretty soon be empty..... my congr. even some of the more hardcore (aka "faithfull") JW where discouraged and depressed after this Zone visit and talk!

    Go figure.


  • nvrgnbk

    I hate these fuc%ers!

    I can't believe I used to buy into this bull$hit!

  • ex-nj-jw

    This is some of the most stupid crap I've heard in a long time.


  • Outaservice

    The sad thing is, sometimes these guys even start to believe their own BS!


  • bluesapphire

    Most JWs will be sitting there nodding their heads up and down at these points. But deep down they will know.

    Especially the janitor elder with three sons. Do you think he'll say, "Sons, you don't need an education ... look at me and how successful I am!" Yeah right.

    All you have to do is ask the local former-Bethelite how his financial situation is.

    I think they should keep on giving these BS talks. It'll only make the organization die out faster. No more contributions because their people can't even feed themselves, etc.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Well think about that, why are we being hated in the world. It is because Jehovah made sure there was enmity between the woman and Satan and her seed and his seed. So we should expect to be hated and have bad publicity

    So all the bad publicity about child abuse cases is because of satan? And there I was thinking it was because of some jws raping kids and the org trying, and sometimes failing, to cover it up.

  • Flowerpetal

    I am so glad my husband and I didn't force our kids to get baptized. What these persons who run the society don't know, who have never had children, is that after a child is born, you get the God-given privilege to see a human being develop to and adult. From before birth to birth, their little personalities start to develop every day. Parents see who might have a delicate personality. Forcing a child who has a delicate personality to do something that you know down to your very soul, (such as making them go out in service or get baptized at the wrong time) is not the right thing for them, can destroy them.

    Parents are the ones who know what's best for their children because we have lived with them for almost a quarter of their lives before they leave the nest--not any GB member of the society, etc.

  • minimus

    First of all, why pick so heavily on Saul? Did he do something truly wrong? I don't think so.

    Such talks are the catalyst to get people out! I laud David Splane! People like him make it easier for Witnesses to see how they can NEVER please Jehovah or the Organization.....GOOD!!

  • mavie

    Does anyone have a recording of this talk? I'd like to hear it.

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