You could have knocked me over with a feather I was so shocked!!!

by Bumble Bee 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Ok, I met my brother today. He drove me to my eye appt out of town. We rarely get time together alone (no spouses/kids etc). So we're in the car, chatting, catching up an he says to me -

    "I just finished reading an interesting book"

    Me - "Oh yeah, what's the title?"

    Bro - "Crisis of Conscience"

    Me - "Holy Crap! How did you get that??"

    Bro - "Wife oredered it and ISOCF - haven't read that one yet"

    Well, that opened the floodgates of conversation for the next three to four hours! I knew he and his family had not gone to meetings for a while, just didn't know the extent of things! Wow, it was soooo good to be able to talk to him about things!

    I'm so happy tonite!!!

    I did tell him about this site, so we'll see if he joins.


  • nvrgnbk

    So happy for you for this very positive development!

    You must be thrilled BB!

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
  • R.F.

    Now what are the chances of that happening??!!

    Great news!!

  • Frank75

    That is good news. I know how happy I was when my Brother and his family who had shunned me for years came a knocking looking for answers. I turned him to the same books.

    Like to meet you both one day....have a beer maybe?

    Thank God for Ray Franz, Ed Dunlap, Alan Feuerbacher, Jim Penton, Barbera Anderson, and Carl Olof Jonsson and all the others!


  • loosie


  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    I am so happy for you. I couldn't imagine being separated from my brothers over a belief system. I always like to think that there is a glimmer of hope that my mother will one day see the light...but sadly I have my doubts.

  • Stealth453

    Excellent news.


  • Gregor

    Welcome, Brother of Bumble Bee!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Bumble Bee,

    That is really AWESOME news!! You just NEVER know!


    Lady Liberty

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