YIKES, The End Is Near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's about the only thing I just can not get past. I have gotten over many, many of the things I grew up with, except that one. With each and everyone of us our end will come at different times. Some it may by in the next few minutes, tonight, maybe even a year from now. But with others they may have the next 60 or 80 years left.
The thing I could never understand about people in the Watchtower, on how they would put their lives on hold, because the end was "right around the corner". How many did not get that extra education, or gave up that career that would lead to a really good retirement package? And how many of those are now regretting it? How many thought that they would never grow old? Heck I even remember an article in the 1980's talking about that. Some of those very same people are now without children, and way up there in years.
My children have asked me this on ocasion. How much time is left? My reply to them is this.
I don't know how much time we have left on this earth. We should live our lives that this might be our last moments, but plan as if we have the next 60 or so years left. I think that is why the bible said somewhere, not to go to bed angry, because what if we or they don't have tomorrow to say, "I love you, or I'm sorry."
The End Is Near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Irish Rose 28 Replies latest jw friends
Irish Rose
The end has been near for over 2 thousand years , what's sad is how the WTBTS views it's history of false prophesy by claiming they were keeping people awake and working for kingdom interests instead of admiting it was false prophesy and should be treated as the false prophets are in the bible by giving them no obedience or notice.
Tyrone van leyen
I agee Rose. When I left the hardest thing to ever leave my head was this obssession with death. It is only now after 22 years of being out that I see even though these witnesses are still in they don't feel any more secure than I and will meet there end like everyone else. Agreat deal of enjoyment in my life has been lost because of this never ending feeling of doom which the witnesses heaped on me when they booted my ass out. Growing up with thaty beleif is an awful, and stupid childhood for a parent to raise there kid with. I think you did a great thing by telling your kids the truth even if it hurts, it will help them get on with the business of living and get the most out of life.
Speaking for myself, (and I suspect many others here), I put my whole future on hold because of armageddons imminence. I felt guilty for having kids so near the end. I turned down the chance to play football professionally. And I stopped doing a whole heap of things I really enjoyed.
And I am SO angry for being fooled. I gave up years of happiness for what I thought was something better and now I'm a grandfather!
I know dozens of dubs who regret never having children or putting off things because of a false hope. -
Irish Rose
I'm so glad that I did not put off having children. Medically I can not even have children now.
Ahh yes, the end is near. But as has been pointed out here before, there has to be a carrot to dangle so people will blindly follow it ... and what carrot has worked better then THE END IS NEAR.
Yeah Rose,
For a long time after leaving the borg I still thought armagedon was coming. I really took years to get that crap out of my head. Why is it that, that one particular teaching is so hard to get rid of???
I'm glad that I left when I did, had my children, pursued a career and degree (although the degree came much later than it should have), So many have lost so much to this origanization it's really sad.
I was around the borg in the 70's and heard the same wolf cry. It is now 32 years later and they are still crying wolf. Don't worry about what the watchliar sociopath society says. Enjoy your life, your children, and someday grandchildren. The watchliars are just that....LIARS
Yes! I love my son dearly, but I regret not having more children.
I guess it's not too late.
I mean, look at Stud453!
I mean, look at Stud453!
That's it, I am changing my name. thanks nvr. You crack me up bro.