I would like to know just how many forms of identification does the congregation keep of who their members are? Is it just the publisher record card??
Elders/Former Elders.....a question about publisher records.
by R.F. 14 Replies latest jw experiences
I was an elder from 1985 - 1995 in the U.S. No real forms of identification were kept or asked for. A person could theoretically come into the JWs, give a false name, and no one would be the wiser.
I was asked to show the elder that studied with me my driver's license whereupon he wrote down all the information for my Publisher Card.
He acted a bit uncomfortable when I asked him why I couldn't just give him the information verbally.
I should have listened to that little voice in my head that was telling me to RUN RUN RUN as FAST as YOU CAN AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE.
Long ago, some publishers, pioneers, elders had WT ID cards for official purposes, PR, visiting prisons, etc. No longer
If you were involved in a "judicial" matter; they keep records in the KH (sometimes an elder's home but that is officially forbidden) for a minimum of 5 years (mostly forever and not sealed very well)
There are unofficial "publisher" lists maintained by elders and individual JWs but it varies from area to area what the policy is about posting and passing around such information.
Publisher records have very little information on them:
Your name
Your home address
Your home phone number
Your baptism date
Your marital status
Your status in the congregation: Elder, MS, regular pioneer, anointed, other sheep
Your record of "service" for the last 8 publisher cards (or is it years?)
Many elders put the cards of df'd or da/d JWs in the back of the box (some disobedient elders take them out when the CO visits, like he knows no one has ever been df'd in the congregation!)
This information is not supposed to be put on a computer with access from the outside of the computer or access by a family member or casual visitor. Actually unofficial software is all over the internet to "assist" the elder in charge of the cards.
The judicial records are more damaging and whatever the elder body reps choose to put in the letter accompanying the cards when sent to the new congregation elder body.
Blondie (posted the info on the cards for several years...one of the many, unknown duties of women in an organization with a diminishing, willing, qualified, baptized male population)
I was an elder in the 70's, and no real info was kept. However, I have heard that some dungregations are now asking for more personal info, ie: driver's license, SS/SIN numbers, etc.
My suggestion, GIVE THEM NOTHING.
I was asked to show the elder that studied with me my driver's license whereupon he wrote down all the information for my Publisher Card.
I have heard that some dungregations are now asking for more personal info, ie: driver's license, SS/SIN numbers, etc.
Wow! This is new to me. And I was an elder just a little over a year ago. That's crazy!
And I was an elder just a little over a year ago. That's crazy!
That's what I thought, but my father, a die hard dub of the 100th degree, actually showed me a form that they were all "required" to complete and sign (He showed it to me in one of his weak moments) The form asked for name, address, dependants, proffession, Social Insurance Number (Canada), Driver's License number, next of kin, and executor of will.
I was shocked....but....he filled it out and signed it like a good little rub-a-dub.
That's what I thought, but my father, a die hard dub of the 100th degree, actually showed me a form that they were all "required" to complete and sign (He showed it to me in one of his weak moments) The form asked for name, address, dependants, proffession, Social Insurance Number (Canada), Driver's License number, next of kin, and executor of will.
I was shocked....but....he filled it out and signed it like a good little rub-a-dub.
Would you be referring to the new form that poses as an Emergency Preparedness Questionnaire?
Would you be referring to the new form that poses as an Emergency Preparedness Questionnaire?
Quite possible my friend. It wasn't titled, that I recall, but it did ask a lot of personal info. As I said before, it has been a long time since I was in the loop. You are probably right.
I was secretary until October and NO SS# (US) was EVER required on a publisher record card. Here is what is on the S-21 (Congregation's Publisher Record):
Name (we were supposed to put full LEGAL name); Address; City; State, Zip Code; Home Phone; Cell Phone (this is on the updated cards); Date of Birth; Date Immersed; Annointed or "Other Sheep"; and 3 check boxes for elder, MS, pioneer. If you were a regular pioneer or in special full time service, we were supposed to put THAT ID # on the top of the card somewhere.
The only time I was asked for SS# was when I filled out aps for MTS, at least I seem to remember that being the case. The reason on the MTS ap was because Gilead and MTS (which is part of Gilead) are accredited schools by the US Dept of Education (the government required it for the purpose of immigration I was informed so international students could come over on student visas). I cant remember for certain if the Bethel ap had it but I am pretty certain it did.
I too knew of a few radical nosy ass secretaries who put all kinds of personal info in the file. One congo I was assigned to by the Society the sec and PO were the only ones allowed keys to the confidential file. I informed him that ALL elders were to have access. After a 2 month battle (Snake was always in battles it seemed) and many conversations with the CO, I got my key. I was horrified to see that the secretary had a "personal file" on each and every member of the congo, including a new file for me, already with nasty little notes about me. I confronted him and then proceded to SH*T Can his little spy system....two garbage bags I pulled and burned in the bonfire. I left that congo 2 months later. He was forced out by the CO shortly thereafter.
Repeat after Snake:
Why the hell would you give a CHURCH/RELIGION this info??? And as Blondie said, many elders are now using software to assist (I know I did...and I still have a copy of the database in my computer...maybe I can use it to do a mail merge on an apostate letter!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! )
This is a link (accurate as of 2005) for legit uses of that ID # (and I dont see JW anywhere on that list!!!): http://www.ssa.gov/history/ssn/ssnchron.html
Here is another FAQ link about privacy and the SS#: http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs10-ssn.htm
SnakesInTheTower (of the "I want my privacy back" Sheep Class)