My ex husband had been an elder also. At 24, only a few weeks after being appointed, he had to deal with two cases where each were DFed. Within days of his cousin's hearing, his cousin hung himself in a deer blind. The other waited a whole two weeks before killing himself. That one was an elder's son from a different congregation. Almost all of the elders in our congregation had gone to help on a hall build and left my husband behind to back up any problems that should come up. Of course I didn't know that he was on his judicial committee until a few nights before he left here never to return. He was sitting in the dark in the front room drinking till he was throwing up and it was everything he could do to tell me how this affected him. I do wonder how many other elders out there are suffering way deep down in their souls about a decision that was made in a hearing.
Numi, your story brought me to tears. Just when I think I've heard it all, I learn a new way the society has ruined lives, I am beyond furious!
If you can, I would like to hear more about your ex, what became of him, is he still a JW?