Would you EVENTUALLY be happy in a JW dominated new system?

by JH 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    I "WAS" in a JW totally dominated system - at Bethel. One of my happiest days (while in the organization) was leaving.

  • bluesbreaker59

    I'd like to hang out with my dad forever, or at least the 70 - 80 years that he'll have on this planet. But because of the damn brain-washing cult and his status as an elder, he chooses not to see me.

    But as far as living under mind control, going to meetings all the time, praying at every second, and forever thanking Jehovah for every little dust particle, no, I'd rather pass. Think about it, no meat, no music, no bourbon, that sounds awful to me. Just sittin around picking fruit, studying watchtowers, praying, and having missionary style sex only for the purpose of procreation? No I'll choose hell, at least then I know I'll have some friends, and I think we all know that Satan could throw one "helluva" party, LOL!!!

    Besides I'm 25 now, and I'd alot rather live up my 70-80 years on this planet as good as I can, because at least now, I KNOW what I'm getting, and I know its fun.

  • JAVA
    Think we will find out what tht forbidden fruit was?

    I know, I know . . . it was the pear on the ground.

    In the JW new world vision, "EVENTUALLY" no one would be happy! Just take a look at the faces at the Kingdom Halls--that says it all.

  • 95stormfront

    There's already JW-esque dominated new systems here to choose from. Just pick any of those so-called theocracies in the middle east and for all intents and purposes, you have the end result of what would be a WT led JW paradice albeit on a larger scale. that being said, Hell no. I'd favor being dead eternally to living as a mindless WT drone.

  • stevenyc

    This is an interesting in that I doubt many JW's think about general society (society by definition) after the big 'A'. Most are just concerned with not dying imminently.


  • wednesday

    I don't think so. I recall once while out in field service a man telling me this " if jws are the one who will be in the paradise , I don't want to be there, I'd rather be dead ". I was a bit stunned but now I understand. life would not be worth living, IMHO.

  • blondie

    The Diary of an

    Armageddon Survivor

    The following is not fantasy, this is what we were taught to expect

    when we were Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Michael Pendley


  • nvrgnbk

    I think all these "I'd rather be dead" comments are hyperbole.

    They illustrate just how disgusted ex-JWs are by their years lost in the vacuous, mind-destroying, life-wasting cult.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I'd rather be dead than someone telling me how to live, think, feel...


  • Paralipomenon

    First off I'd be waiting for the second resurrection because I'd die of shock of the JW's actually being right.

    Then, if we're being perfectly honest here I would give it a shot. I am in a quest for the truth. If that ended up being the truth, then killing myself in protest is just poor sportsmanship.

    Would I be happy in the JW's ideal new system? So long as I had my family I would tolerate the backwards way they plan on doing things. I think I would also get some sick pleasure in watching these people that thought they'd be treated like royalty complaining over all the work that would need to be done in a world without technology. Though if my family wasn't there, I wouldn't want to be either. I'd most likely pick some spectacular sin and be smote by several lightning bolts.

    You asked for my honest opinion and that's it. I know it's kind of cool to spit venom at anything WTS related on these forums, but I'd seriously question how many replies here are honest and how many are just saying what they expect everyone wants to hear.

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