Hey sounds like a must see I'll add it to my Netflix never ending movie list.
The Village - Similar to the JW's?
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It was PG-13...it plays on your mind...a justification lesson in manipulation.
Lying with a purpose.
*** w04 11/15 p. 28 "The Tent of the Upright Ones Will Flourish" ***
The faithful witness does not commit perjury when testifying. His testimony is not tainted with lies. However, this does not mean that he is under obligation to give full information to those who may want to bring harm to Jehovah’s people in some way. The patriarchs Abraham and Isaac withheld facts from some who did not worship Jehovah. (Genesis 12:10-19; 20:1-18; 26:1-10) Rahab of Jericho misdirected the king’s men. (Joshua 2:1-7) Jesus Christ himself refrained from divulging total information when doing so would have caused needless harm. (John 7:1-10) He said: "Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine." Why not? So that "they may never . . . turn around and rip you open."—Matthew 7:6.
*** g00 2/8 p. 21 Lying—Is It Ever Justified? ***
Jesus did not always disclose the full truth, especially when revealing all the facts could have brought unnecessary harm to himself or his disciples. Still, even at such times, he did not lie. Instead, he chose either to say nothing or to divert the conversation in another direction.—Matthew 15:1-6; 21:23-27; John 7:3-10.
Great movie! The JW similarities were downright spooky.
The old English reminded me very much of the whole JW "pure language" concept, and also the special JW vocab. Lol, I remember using terms like "other sheep" and "great crowd," etc. and having non JWs I was talking to say "Hunh?"
LcMd.Lore: I highly recommend The Matrix. It's the movie that really got me thinking independently when I started thinking something just wasn't sitting right with the WTS.
The Oracle
Wow! Just read a bunch of these posts and now I have to rent this movie and watch it as soon as possible!
Thanks for the tip.
Sorry for the lame post, but I am also testing to see if the new image I have chosen to represent me is working.
Peace to all, and keep up the resistance! haha