Here's to Simon and Angharad. Thank You for your devotion!
Seems this Forum was started by Pro-Witness people, what say you?
by NotaNess 19 Replies latest jw friends
I think it's a marvellous story; and exactly what WBTS are afraid of! This is the brave new world.
My thoughts, exactly. If people are given an open forum for discussion, the REAL truth can't be hidden for long. Those control freaks in Crooklyn know that all too well.
This Forum came about because Simon had doubts about some of what he's been led to believe was truth. His inquiring mind led to his asking questions, something that many others are still doing. Since then many of us have thrown off the paralysis of Watchtower thinking and have become free thinkers. Thanks to Simon and his wife Angharad, we have this forum which has blossomed like a sweet smelling rose
Mrs Smith
to Simon!! It just goes to show that with a little bit of brains it doesn't take long to see through the lies of the WBTS doctrine. Ask one or two questions and the whole house of cards come tumbling down.
I think that any group of JW's who is allowed to just have a free and open conversation, will over time figure out what we already know. They also go in pairs to the door just in case they run into somebody like me and Bro. Doubting can get pulled out of my clutches by Bro. Zealous. Book studies wind up real quick after the official study and chit-chat is not allowed to enter into forbidden areas by the study conductor. Did you ever notice that outside material is discouraged from being used at any meeting?
This forum was one of the first I came across when beginning to question the WT. That was in July 2001.
It was one of the decisive factors with in eventually disassociating later in that year.
It has been a great support and help ever since.
May it long continue.
I tracked down an old post that I remembered summed up this website perfectly.
Jelly wrote: "I remember when this board first started I think simon was trying to set up a place for weak JW's to be helped out, even if they did not realize thats what they want yet. Kind of a board that was not over the top apostate but did have threads that questioned JW doctrine, and practices. There was another board like that about 3.5 years ago, I cant remember the name but you had sincere JW's and apostates on the same board. Some of the greatest posting entertainment I have ever read . Thats just my take, I could be completly off." -
The beer thread is, now, up to 250 posts. That is an indication that this board is "pro witness."
I'll to that!
drew sagan
I think we shock newbies a little bit how fast we respond.
Very true, we are a very active bunch!
I don't even think it can be helped that a pro-JW forum be turned around to an anti.
Whenever thinking JWs get together and talk, even if they aren't anti-JW yet, the very act of discussion jostles their minds and all the inconsistencies and suppressed doubts come popping up like corks that were held under water.
This is why they put the squash on private WT study discussions in the 1980s. They are simply afraid of what innocent, honest discussion can do.