Hi mtsgrad,
I don't think any ex-JW can claim a "10" because there are levels of emotional damage and fear that reason and logic can never fully reach. I'd claim myself to be a "9" now because I feel NO confusion on any rational level. Keep in mind I said, "any rational level". Reason, logic, and years of information gathering erases Watch Tower nonsense from the higher brain functions but little bits of the lower brain's emotional/irrational beastial subconscience remain ready to give me nightmares or a chill up my spine when conditions are just right. I don't mind too much because I know now it is not real... but it is there waiting for the death of my rational mind.
If you feel you are a "3" then I highly suggest some real study to free yourself from superstition. Do yourself a big favor and start by reading Raymond Franz's books Crisis Of Conscience and In Search Of Christian Freedom if you haven't already. Next, try researching the history of the Watch Tower Society using non-WTS literature to expand your objectivity. Also read the works/research of ex-JWs and learn of their doubts and how they answered them. Next, try reading the Bible (not the New World Translation) without the Watch Tower's preconcieved notions and interpretations to guide you. Read it as just another book you are reading for the first time and let it say simply what it says. You will be amazed at what you will see without all the fancy commentary running in your head.
At that point I would take some Bible classes at a community college or a University so that you can see the so called "worldly" or secular viewpoint to ballance out your objectivity and reawaken your skeptical powers. Think freely and be free. Take some history and science classes. Read all of Carl Sagan's books, especially if you can't go to college. Objective study will clear your confusion like hot sun light through a fog. It will take time though, I have not been to a Kingdom Hall for more than 20 years
My Best Wishes on your own search for truth