dawg, your not supposed to do them at the same time. hahahahahahahahaaa
I just read CoC
by bluebell 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
38 years, my daughter found the book when she started researching the WTS back about 1990. After she read it, she gave it to me and said I had to read it.
To be honest, I was scared. While reading the first few pages I actually felt like lightning was going to strike me dead. I survived the whole book : )
I felt so at peace when I finished it - a sense of relief and freedom.
I wanted everyone to read it but you have to be careful. A young relative had been DFed and I was trying to figure out how to tell her about the book. I went to visit and walked into her bedroom - there on the floor next to her bed was CoC. I was thrilled! We have had some very good discussions since then. -
Other decisions were made based on a two thirds vote, and some decisions were hotly debated and just barely passed. Factions existed, with many of the more passive members currying favor by voting for the same things Nathan Knorr or Freddy Franz were voting for.
Yeah that was an eye opener - if the 2/3s wasnt reached then no decision was made and things left as they were. I was really stunned that it had to be 2/3 of the body, not just the attendees so if some were missing from a meeting the vote of actual attendees had to be over 2/3
And that a vote could be figured out cos some voted based on what someone else would vote on and not based on their own opinions.
I also never realised that DA used to be different to DF. That poor guys who DA'd himself so that people could still talk to him and then to have the GB pass law that he was to be treated as DF. I wonder if they did that on purpose, realising that some would DA themselves rather than risk being DF.
And is it still the same in Mexico where they are not a religion but a cultural group with no prayers or songs? So much for worship being the same all over the world.