WOL: Free to remarry

by Moxy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Dearest Six... peace to you... and...

    How do people like Shelby and Ariel stay in it for so long? I mean, I know you two (if your reading ) will be out eventually, my dear sisters, but why are you clinging to that icky org like a frightened baby?

    Forgive me if I am in error, but are you speaking of ME? Inquiring minds want to know...

    A slave of Christ,


  • somebody


    Thanks. I knew I read it in a publication from the WBTS but wasn't sure which publication it was. I'll have to reread them. Unbelievable, huh?


  • r51785

    Having read this thread on WOL really makes me think that these people live on a different planet. All night stakeouts, private investigators and special surveillance equipment -- where is this in the scriptures. When you have a man-made religion invented by a lawyer (Da Judge) this is what you get.

    When I was a dub my wife and I seperated and she did indeed confess to the elders that she had taken up with someone else. Why she did this is beyond me -- she was no longer participating in the religion. I have never understood the penchant JW's have for turning themselves in to the elders. Anyway here in California there is a six month lag from the filing of a divorce and the issuance of final dissolution of the marriage. So I filed for divorce and the elders pulled me into a meeting where I was told how I must behave during the six month period. They advised me that if I was to sit next to a "sister" during a meeting that this would be like committing "adultery." Obviously dating was out of the question -- that surely would have got me disfellowshipped. What a krazy kult!!!!!!!!


    "Do children have as much fun in childhood as adults do in adultery?"

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