I left the organization in my heart a year ago, I stopped going to meetings a week ago. This was recently announced for the upcoming convention. Jeans and T-shirts are not to be worn in public after each day's convention program. Witnesses are to dress "business casual" (Khakis, polos, etc) when in the main areas of the hotel, restaurants, etc. I was planning on going swimming at the hotel, too, but unfortunately I don't have any Khakis or polos to ruin ;)
Latest Society edict: proper dress after conventions
by B_Deserter 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yep...seems the WTS is cracking down on the dress code this year. They've always stressed about JWs presenting themselves as ministers but this is the first time that I remember seeing, in print anyway, where jeans and t-shirts were outlawed.
Not that most JWs will follow that counsel. I think most will wear nice jeans and polos or t-shirts without logos.
Since I live in a convention city, I'm looking forward to seeing how many dubs follow the counsel.
By they way, welcome!
The beatings will continue until morale improves!
Welcome aboard.
This is the first convention I plan to miss. I will accompany the wife (as she needs to travel) but I will enjoy the day in
Manhattan each day while she sits and vegetates.Please, go ahead and go swimming in your trunks. I doubt that will get you DF'ed.
When they first came out with the no logos decree I wore shirts that had emblazoned on them NYPD. I had them in white and blue and I regularly got exercise walking around the Providence Civic Center. I had a couple of elders tell me that they were surprised that I was wearing such a shirt and I just chuckled and kept on my way.
OTWO, I know some good places in Manhattan to go to.
Yes this was made plain in a recent Kingdom Ministry
There goes the control again, what serious religious organisation would go into such details about the dress code of their members after or outside religious services? I wonder what will happen to those that will disobey.
I guess they want the pedophiles to look just like every other business casual working person. they blend in better that way.
Lady Liberty
Dear B_Deserter,
WELCOME to the forum!! When I first heard they were going to crack down on Jeans and tee shirts after the assembly I could NOT believe it! Where we were assigned the heat is easily 103-107 degrees and sometimes hotter. When my husband a then MS used to do parking, the rubber on the soles of his shoes actually melted from the heat on the pavement. They expect those poor souls (not the ones on his feet..ha ha ha) to leave that assembly and change into more dress clothes?? Whats with the Kaki pants anyhow?? No tee shirts?? I can see it now.. a sea of men in Kaki pants and white dress shirts!! Oh brother!! Talk about straining out the knat and leaving the camel! I wonder how it will all go over and if anyone will follow direction. Maybe they'll boycott!
Again welcome and thank you for your post.
Lady Liberty