Isn't Jehovah an Awesome God?

by neverendingjourney 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • neverendingjourney

    Doesn't Jehovah deserve to be lauded for his loving kindness? Jehovah deserves to be praised for the intense love he feels for us all, even while in the womb. His word, the Bible, tells us that before He formed each and every one of us in the womb, he knew us. The Bible clearly reflects that our Creator considers us as human beings even before our mothers ever gave birth to us. Jehovah exemplified his love for humans by punishing the Israelites by death if they were to cause a miscarriage during a scuffle. What a wonderful and wise Creator he truly is!

    Furthermore, he demonstrates his loving kindness by designing human beings in such a way that up to 50% of fertilized embryos are spontaneously aborted before the mother even knows she's pregnant (involuntary, not the voluntary kind you get at planned parenthood) .

    What's more, he allows some 10% off all known pregnancies to terminate in miscarriages.

    Doesn't a Creator that shows this kind of love for the pinnacle of his creation deserve our love, devotion and obedience? He shows his love for us by designing us in such a way that about half of all "human beings" die before they ever leave the womb. May all creation acknowledge God and render him the worship He deserves!

    Neverendingjourney (of the very cynical since I left the "Truth" Class)

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I know exactly what you mean from so many differnt agles of failure on the part of a deity that you serve and he neither protects, helps gives anything back, doesnt talk to you and demands worship.

    If there really is a god I must be damned by now for greiving him relentlessy in my disgust. I used to say it was all Satan, but then I started to ask myself. If god is more powerful and he made Satan then he is the real evil one for letting all this happen.

    I know the witness response to that and it pisses me off even more

    Then I came to the conclusion that I hate both God and Satan and they can both kiss my ass giving more satisfaction than ever by not giving loyalty to either one.

    Now I at the point where I still have my anger but I'm pretty dam close to being atheist and need some other source to vent to. Jwd, is good for that but I dont hate it and it nourtures me.

    I beleive unfortunately that when people get the shaft by this religion a greaat deal of them either turn into god haters or atheists because they have no more trust and their structure collapses.

    If there is a God in actual fact the watchtower is is so guilty of not letting the sheep into his fold that I'm sure god has a special place if he exists for the ones at the top responsible for perpetrating this scam on the public. Perhaps directing the anger to the top brass through thois board is the answer.

    If there is no God, you just have to accept it as a very tough lesson and hope for the best and live to be a good person whether theres a God or not. In your face entites! I can still be a good person without your rewards threats or feelings of guilt, and I still reject you. I wonder if others have reached a similar conclusion outrside of just being atheist.

    I have to admit though, there is still a latent fear about what if I'm wrong, but I was never happy the other way anyway. Might as well go for broke!

  • neverendingjourney

    Yeah, Tyrone. It's rough. I'm not so sure what I believe in anymore. Reexamining my JW beliefs has not only led me to realize how silly the JW belief system is but how silly believing in a 3,000 year old book is. Not only is it thousands of years old, it is contradicted by everything modern science is discovering. It would be much easier for me to handle my situation if I had an alternate belief system to jump into. If I were to embrace an alternate one, I'd just be fooling myself. I will have to live out the rest of my life with the understanding that there are no easy, definite answers to life's great mysteries. It's far from the peace I had when I thought I was part of a life-saving work and would see the end of humanity's imperfection and the ushering in of a new age of human perfection, as misguided as that peace was. Like my screen name implies, I realized life is just a never ending journey that frequently takes you in directions you could have never expected.

  • Chameleon

    God is so awesome he told his people to smash babies on rocks.

  • nvrgnbk

    He was the mastermind behind malaria as well.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Oops! I guess I better not....


  • needproof

    You had me going for a minute. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

    Richard Dawkins describes this Jehovah character well - so well, in fact, that I will quote him here:

    [Jehovah is]"arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully"

  • DJK

    We should have more Gods like him. I forgot, we do. And not one can make an appearance to prove his existence.

  • Marcel

    totally wrong. its satans work. he was leading mankind to rebellion and sin. the sin is a desease which all of that problems created. of course noone knows how "sin" created this "imperfection". bacteria which attack humans are well build and complex. even the process of aging is not simple. if you believe that animals wasnt eating meat in the paradise the altering of the animals is also a immense complex task. a whole new ecosystem.


    who may be this designer? who took the perfection as a punishment for sin from earth?

  • needproof

    And what was the snake's punishment?

    "ye will crawl on your belly for the rest of your days"

    As opposed to flying, this must have been very harsh on the snake.


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