Letter to the Governing Body and Their Reply re: 607!! This is a MUST READ!

by Lady Liberty 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    For all of you new ones or lurkers who have not yet seen this corespondence with the Society, you definately should take the time to see just how willing they are to avoid the questions at hand regarding 607 but quick to say you are spiritually sick..Now that is sick! Anyhow, here is the link. Scroll to the bottom of the page and see all the different letters back and forth.



    Lady Liberty

  • WTWizard

    And Raymond Franz tried his utmost to prove the 607 BC date. He could not. Unlike the other Governing Body members, he would rather stand with the 587 date than stick with a blatant lie that only supports 1914 and cannot be backed up. For this, he was set up for getting disfellowshipped and is now an apostate.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    The amazing thing is that the interpretation they told this guy was bogus (70 years of Babylonian servitude) is actually accepted in their Isaiah book volume one!

  • dawg

    Unfreaking believable

  • SirNose586
    Unfreaking believable

    Ain't it though? This guy had 'em by the balls, but they still wouldn't cry uncle. Very illuminating for my 587 research, it was....

  • katiekitten

    WOW, that was a long read, but well worth it.

    He was so genuine and polite in his letters and they didnt answer ANY of his original questions except to say 'well its a difficult matter and we go with what the bible says when there is a conflict'. They just flipped him off.

    This historical research is a different world. I had just swallowed wholesale everything the WTS wrote without ever thinking to research any of it myself. I had no idea there were so many old documents that could be dated so accurately due to the position of planets.

  • Gill

    I 'love' how the Organization always make personal attacks on anyone who dares to point out their lies/faults/corruption.

    Everyone else is always wrong but NEVER that bunch of dumbasses.

  • Blueblades

    I read all these letters before along with his book, "Gentile Times Reconsidered". They don't answer his last letter regarding Dishonesty and 1874. They tell him to read the August 15, 1972 Watchtower entitled God Readjusts The Thinking Of His People, Faith and Patience Essential. This is their answer to him, because they conclude that he is spiritually sick. Then they tell him to ask his Elders for assistance.

    This asking Elders for assistance is what he has told them that he has already done and they were of no help to him, yet they direct him right back to the Elders who can't help him with the 607 B.C.E. question! Neither can they!

    1914 is at risk as is the whole series of prophecies to follow. The dominoe effect would be shattering! They simply cannot allow this. Anyone who questions 607B.C.E. is classified as an Apostate.


  • jeanV

    those letters were eye openers.

    You can find some more (on different topics) on this website: http://www.dimaggio.org/Heretic/Jehovah's%20Witnesses.htm

    the first letter is here. I could not believe my eyes when I read the reply from Brooklyn: http://www.dimaggio.org/Heretic/1st_corr.htm

    If you have other links with letters from the WTS, it would be good to post them here.

  • Lady Liberty

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